'recycled' after illness during first weeks - poorly handled - no 'adult' in the room?

One option (probably not an altogether infrequent result) is that CFT will be accomplished later (as it is a graduation requirement). This could mean an August graduation or even a December graduation. Similar approach could be taken by USMA with any graduation requirement if the situation warrants the delayed graduation. But, when it comes to Beast, it would be unusual to let the Cadet go into the academic school year if they had been unable to finish.
Another option is the cadet acts as cadre for the summer training they missed graduation requirements with their class for as an upperclassmen. During the leader prep training prior to the detail, the cadre validates the events they will be training. This can then count to their required graduation requirements of completion they missed earlier
this person is now at a university in southeast, and probably will not reapply to USMA. He was accepted at USNA and MerMarAcad also - so there is no problem with using academic / athletic talents elsewhere. Parent working in CA drove 48 hours to USMA because planes were grounded at this point in JUN 2024. Arrived to pick up son and told 'we can release him, but then we'd have to charge him with being AWOL'. So, your holding him against his will? Back and forth 5 times. 6'3 240 lb MP comes out to talk to the dad. Nobody has the whole story. Nobody is in charge or takes responsibility. Everybody just wants the dad to go away. Kid finally released next day. 4 hours on road toward home, and a call - you need to return for paperwork. Released from hospital - but not from USMA. Really? Mail it to us, cadet. Biggest clusterf*%# I have heard of since Vietnam.
you're being very particular about the information you are including in these posts.... Even if they tried to reapply, they wouldn't be qualified. I know about this particular case and the dad was told multiple times not to come but did anyways. There's a lot to this case that wasn't included but there was a psych eval for a reason. Please keep in mind that second lieutenants are entrusted with the life of a platoon and not everyone is in the mental state to do so. I know it can be easy to blame the institution itself but it's completely irresponsible to misrepresent this case and say west point wasn't doing their job....
I hope the young man in question has been able to leave all this behind him, get any help he needs to restore personal health and begin to see success in his new path. Time does heal. He can always take pride in earning appointments to USMA, USNA and USMMA. The military path may or may not be the right two-way fit for him.

I also feel bad for him that his story is being discussed out here in an open forum, but at least the community here is positive and supportive of his swift pursuit of his education and wishes him the best, no matter where his future path lies.
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It is interesting to me that over in the USAFA forum there is a cadet who died because they did not get timely care...this cadet did.