Not dogging any plan-B schools; (My son applied to quite a few); but most of them simply care about one thing. (YOUR MONEY). Even with scholarships, grants, etc. the school still makes it's money. And if you're from out of state, the schools want you even more. (Along with your money). When you look at the average freshman class size of many schools, and realize how large they are compared to a military academy, you realize that it's a lot easier to apply and get accepted to these traditional schools. To get into the small number accepted at the military academies, you'd have to compare to some smaller elite school. Like loyola marymount. And even they have an undergrad population of about 6,000. Some large schools; like Ohio State, and their incoming freshman class size is around 7600. That's almost twice the size of the entire air force academy. Their entire undergrad population is around 45,000 students. There's some very competitive schools out their to apply to; but if you want to know the most difficult 10 college applications, (According to college magazine); they are:
# 10 at top - #1 at the bottom
- University of Michigan
- University of Notre Dame
- Amherst College. ...
- Brown University. ...
- Tufts University. ...
- California Institute of Technology. ...
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ...
- University of Chicago. ...
- Princeton University. ...
- Stanford University.