Remedial Requested Questions


5-Year Member
Nov 26, 2016
My DoDMERB status was just updated to remedial requested for just one thing. It involved a prescription that I had for a couple of months last year. I am confused on whether or not I should request the required forms from my doctor and send them in myself, or if my doctor should send them directly into the DoDMERB. Will I get DQed if I only stayed on the drug for about 3 months or so? It was also a super low dose too, like the lowest possible one you could take, I was told by my doctor to cut the pills in half. If I do DQed, is it fairly easy to get a waiver? I am applying to USNA, USAFA, and ROTC. I've already done all of my application for USNA, just waiting to hear back from nominations, and I am pretty far along in the others too.

Thanks for helping me out.
No one can weigh in on the chances of a waiver, except the admissions board of the program you are applying to. Each academy and ROTC program has its own criteria. Remember, DoDMERB will either approve you or DQ you based on the info supplied on the remedial. Only once you are DQ'd does the waiver process begin, and it has nothing to do with DoDMERB.

What you CAN do is read the remedial letter (or email) that you receive and follow the instructions to the letter. Supply the information requested more and no less.

If you are unsure if the physician should send it directly, you can contact DoDMERB and ask for clarification. Don't discuss waivers etc. Just ask about the administrative part.

Good luck.
What AROTC-dad said. Simply do all you can now, which is fill out the remedial and hope for the best.
As stated - you will get paperwork with specific instructions.
Even if the Dr's office sends them in directly get copies for yourself; my experience is not to put your fate in medical office administrative staff's hands . . .
Triple redundant submissions do not get penalized ;)
My DoDMERB status was just updated to remedial requested for just one thing. It involved a prescription that I had for a couple of months last year. I am confused on whether or not I should request the required forms from my doctor and send them in myself, or if my doctor should send them directly into the DoDMERB. Will I get DQed if I only stayed on the drug for about 3 months or so? It was also a super low dose too, like the lowest possible one you could take, I was told by my doctor to cut the pills in half. If I do DQed, is it fairly easy to get a waiver? I am applying to USNA, USAFA, and ROTC. I've already done all of my application for USNA, just waiting to hear back from nominations, and I am pretty far along in the others too.

Thanks for helping me out.
I requested necessary records and reviewed them myself, then sent copies using a mail service I could track. They can also be faxed if the copy is clear enough, which of course is even faster.