My DoDMERB status was just updated to remedial requested for just one thing. It involved a prescription that I had for a couple of months last year. I am confused on whether or not I should request the required forms from my doctor and send them in myself, or if my doctor should send them directly into the DoDMERB. Will I get DQed if I only stayed on the drug for about 3 months or so? It was also a super low dose too, like the lowest possible one you could take, I was told by my doctor to cut the pills in half. If I do DQed, is it fairly easy to get a waiver? I am applying to USNA, USAFA, and ROTC. I've already done all of my application for USNA, just waiting to hear back from nominations, and I am pretty far along in the others too.
Thanks for helping me out.
Thanks for helping me out.