Roller coaster I: Get You (The Parents) Through Plebe Year - Class of ‘28 🎢

My guy is catching up on phone calls in the other room of our Airbnb. I just wanted to check in and say hello and thanks to all who share info here. Despite some weather challenges yesterday, we are having such a great freaking weekend. That first look and first hug were everything I’d been waiting for. Little brother and sister got to him first (I think they actually were more anxious than me and dad to see him). He walks with a new found swagger, but still the Mr. Congeniality that he was in HS. Last minute shopping in the midshipman store took FOR-EVER bc he has to say hello and introduce mom to everyone. Truly gained a giant family here, I hugged so many “strangers” yesterday when meeting roommates and family. I was completely blown away by the Parade and D&B presentation.

Random thoughts: I was surprised at how big his dorm room is. I will also say I was pleasantly surprised that my kid and his roomies exhibited NO “plebe stink” that y’all warned of. When we dropped him off at gate 3 yesterday evening he had that “I really don’t want to go back” dread. He wished he could spend the night with us, that’s was a little hard. But that’s life I guess.

I hope everyone is enjoying their time ♥️
The plebe smell comes out with the whiteworks uniform, the long-sleeved one with the plebe dixie cup you saw on Induction Day, that blend of new uniform sizing chemicals, fear sweat, heat sweat, and exertion sweat, wet and then baked in, re-wet and baked in again, multiplied by an under layer of too-quick showers multiplied by 1200+. They got to be in fresh summer whites for this weekend, all puffed, fluffed and titivated (one of Navy’s favorite cleaning words).
everyone here should read gates of fire
It is a game changer book that’s for sure. I’ve read it twice and listened to it on Audible. When DS was quarantined and isolated for most of plebe summer a Marine SEL brought him the book to fill the time. DS then recommended it to me.
Were you asleep at the etiquette class during the part where they were talking about being polite to folks around you?
This does not feel like a kind or informative post. Feels kind of snarky.
It is a game changer book that’s for sure. I’ve read it twice and listened to it on Audible. When DS was quarantined and isolated for most of plebe summer a Marine SEL brought him the book to fill the time. DS then recommended it to me.
Yes!! I’ve been reading it slowly and it’s definitely a good time killer!!
My Plebe had
My guy is catching up on phone calls in the other room of our Airbnb. I just wanted to check in and say hello and thanks to all who share info here. Despite some weather challenges yesterday, we are having such a great freaking weekend. That first look and first hug were everything I’d been waiting for. Little brother and sister got to him first (I think they actually were more anxious than me and dad to see him). He walks with a new found swagger, but still the Mr. Congeniality that he was in HS. Last minute shopping in the midshipman store took FOR-EVER bc he has to say hello and introduce mom to everyone. Truly gained a giant family here, I hugged so many “strangers” yesterday when meeting roommates and family. I was completely blown away by the Parade and D&B presentation.

Random thoughts: I was surprised at how big his dorm room is. I will also say I was pleasantly surprised that my kid and his roomies exhibited NO “plebe stink” that y’all warned of. When we dropped him off at gate 3 yesterday evening he had that “I really don’t want to go back” dread. He wished he could spend the night with us, that’s was a little hard. But that’s life I guess.

I hope everyone is enjoying their time ♥️
DS also had that "I really don't want to go back" dread. He actually said so quite a few times.
He usually was the one kid who didn't want his parents to walk him to class or to any of his school events. But yesterday, he asked us to walk with him to the door of Bancroft Hall. I think our goodbyes yesterday were even harder than the one on I-day. 😢
My Plebe had

DS also had that "I really don't want to go back" dread. He actually said so quite a few times.
He usually was the one kid who didn't want his parents to walk him to class or to any of his school events. But yesterday, he asked us to walk with him to the door of Bancroft Hall. I think our goodbyes yesterday were even harder than the one on I-day. 😢
Sunday evening goodbye was hard! Someone in the BLB group said “How come none of you warned me that being a Naval Academy parent meant experiencing the raw emotion of dropping your kid off at college twice?” And I’m seriously feeling this today.
29 hours of R n’R…Original Italian from Jersey Mikes, Steak n Cheese with fries, Burnin Love Burger w/ fries from RR, 8 slices of pan pizza, double bacon cheeseburger with fries from Sonic, half of a gallon of Arizona Green Tea, girlfriend’s left over quesadilla, 1/4 bag of chips with French onion dip, a shared bag of Doritos with little brother, and a constant IV of candy…the boy misses food!
He had ring worm, pink eye and they think Covid all in the same couple of weeks…fought through it all and loves what he’s doing! It’s great to see the young men and women grow. The boy did seem to be affected by all of the onions on his burger just before going back…said he’s eager to get back and start the Ac year, but just really enjoyed his time with family. It must be such a strange feeling to have to manage the flood of different emotions…what doesn’t kill you…
He had ring worm, pink eye and they think Covid all in the same couple of weeks…fought through it all and loves what he’s doing!
Glad he survived. DS had the Plebe hack but avoided the ring worm that impacted his Plebe class.

Just wait until this weekend when remainder of the Brigade arrives from all corners of the world with brand new germs! This process will repeat again at Christmas time.
How does reform work? I’d like to drive up to the Yard and drop some things that the boy didn’t want to have during Plebe Summer. However, if the Yard is crazy with everyone back, maybe another weekend would be better. Also, if I bring him lunch, where can we eat? I’d imagine there’s an outdoor area he can sit with me and eat…similar to I-day?
How does reform work? I’d like to drive up to the Yard and drop some things that the boy didn’t want to have during Plebe Summer. However, if the Yard is crazy with everyone back, maybe another weekend would be better. Also, if I bring him lunch, where can we eat? I’d imagine there’s an outdoor area he can sit with me and eat…similar to I-day?
Sir, best to ask your plebe once he gets his phone back. He will have the best idea of his schedule among briefs, mando events, more briefs, new company activities if any, etc. Once the plebes are released from PS tomorrow, he will have times when he has yard liberty and can meet you, if his schedule and obligations allow.
How does reform work? I’d like to drive up to the Yard and drop some things that the boy didn’t want to have during Plebe Summer. However, if the Yard is crazy with everyone back, maybe another weekend would be better. Also, if I bring him lunch, where can we eat? I’d imagine there’s an outdoor area he can sit with me and eat…similar to I-day?

This is N*ot College. He is a full-time, adult, active duty military member now, just learning the ropes.

Let him tell you. He will learn very quickly when and how he can do things, especially with visitors.

During Reform, mids are flooding back into the Yard as the Brigade of 4200+ “reforms.” They are busy settling into rooms, going to mandatory company, class and Brigade briefs, talking to academic advisors, getting uniforms, books, issue items. It’s go, go, go and then ac year classes start. A massive avalanche of stuff to do or know descends on the plebes’ heads - academic, drill practice, sports periods, pro know (the plebe professional development syllabus with weekly quizzes), watch standing duties, and many delightfully mandatory fun plebe activities designed to help them become functioning members of their class, company and Brigade. Their time management skills will be tested to the limit. “Surprise” things will be scheduled for them.

Again, let him tell you, once he can get his head above water and has his bearings. Four years in the pressure cooker has begun. Plebe Summer, where he didn’t have to worry about what came next, got plenty of sleep and food, will seem positively pleasant in retrospect. He’s got a full-time job now - achieving and maintaining satisfactory (“sat”) status in all the evaluated areas.
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Sir, best to ask your plebe once he gets his phone back. He will have the best idea of his schedule among briefs, mando events, more briefs, new company activities if any, etc. Once the plebes are released from PS tomorrow, he will have times when he has yard liberty and can meet you, if his schedule and obligations allow.
Thinking parallel, right with you.
Ok…thanks and will do. I’m just trying to drop some things and get out of the way. All good advice and thanks for the info…maybe US Postal is a better option.