We were also requested to bring transcripts, and DD-214, and LORs. All of which we have except for resume.
I assume your son is applying for the Minuteman Scholarship and plans to serve his obligation in the Reserves/National Guard when he commissions. I was confused about one thing, you state that he needs to bring a DD-214, this form is a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty. How will your son have this if he is currently enlisted in the split option and is attending BCT?
Right now the focus is on the National Scholarship. We will then also, apply to the Minuteman (MM) when the application period opens. If we are fortunate enough to receive the National and not the MM, then his CDR has informed us he will execute the docs to resign from the reserves (after AIT, he really wants to do it, and plus its a summer job

, since you cannot hold the national and be a TPU Soldier. If we get the MM and not the National, then off to AIT, then hopefully on to The Citadel as an SMP Cadet. If we are very fortunate, and receive both, then someone will have to think long and hard as to which COA to take. If none materialize, then on to Plan D!
Since my DS is a TPU soldier he receives a DD 214 for every active duty order in excess of 30 days. Since he graduates BCT 4 days before the interview, he will have his DD-214, and other awards from basic training. In fact, when I spoke to him today, he told me his BCT unit reviewed their DD-214s and other paper work this morning for accuracy (correct name spelling, SSNs, addresses, ect). I know the board is aware that we are coming right from Basic to the Interview, since we are so close, before flying back across country. If all goes well, and he is accepted, he will have another DD-214 from AIT. Keeping fingers & toes crossed.