or washingtonmonthly_20160910.pdf
Liberal arts colleges
1. Virginia Military Institute (VA)
2. Saint Johns University (MN)
3. Mary Baldwin College (VA)
4. Wofford College (SC)
5. Presbyterian College (SC)
6. McDaniel College, MD
7. Morehouse College (GA)
8. Wheaton College (IL)
9. Ripon College, WI
Master's Universities
1. Citadel: The Military College of SC (SC)
3. Embry-Riddle Aero. U.–Dayt. Beach (FL)
5. University of Arkansas–Pine Bluff (AR)
National Universities
1. University of the Cumberlands (KY)
2. Texas A&M University–College Station (TX)
3. VA Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ. (VA)
4. Clarkson University (NY)
5. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)
6. MO Univ. of Science & Technology (MO
7. Michigan Technological University (MI)
8. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)
9. Florida Institute of Technology (FL)
11. Marquette University (WI)
12. Auburn University (AL)
13. University of Notre Dame (IN)
or washingtonmonthly_20160910.pdf
Liberal arts colleges
1. Virginia Military Institute (VA)
2. Saint Johns University (MN)
3. Mary Baldwin College (VA)
4. Wofford College (SC)
5. Presbyterian College (SC)
6. McDaniel College, MD
7. Morehouse College (GA)
8. Wheaton College (IL)
9. Ripon College, WI
Master's Universities
1. Citadel: The Military College of SC (SC)
3. Embry-Riddle Aero. U.–Dayt. Beach (FL)
5. University of Arkansas–Pine Bluff (AR)
National Universities
1. University of the Cumberlands (KY)
2. Texas A&M University–College Station (TX)
3. VA Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ. (VA)
4. Clarkson University (NY)
5. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)
6. MO Univ. of Science & Technology (MO
7. Michigan Technological University (MI)
8. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA)
9. Florida Institute of Technology (FL)
11. Marquette University (WI)
12. Auburn University (AL)
13. University of Notre Dame (IN)