Secretary of Defense Nominee

A serious misrepresentation of the actual thread. In fact, this conclusion seems to echo exactly the suppression of the Maoism you are so worried about. I am a floater, now on my DS's account and this made my jaw drop.

He didn't say this?

"We're currently being taught that everything the years before us experienced, arguably a lot of the things we're currently going through, are examples of transactional, poor leadership that breed resentment and lack of efficacy among the corps. We're actively learning to NOT do what's being done to us right now because our enlisted will hate us if we try to pull this stuff, which is completely true. I'm sorry that the military you all might know is full of outdated practices and lack of compassion. That doesn't make it the right way to lead, we're trying to make it better."

Or this?

"the culture at USAFA is changing for the better. I am genuinely sorry to hear how a lot of y'all were treated "back when it was hard". [sic]"

Or this?

" I just ask that we reconsider some of the beliefs that got us into this mess in the first place."

Or, the mutinous suggestion that current cadets can reject discipline from their officer leaders? He didn't say this?

"it is not unreasonable for us to reject drastic movement in the opposite direction."

Sorry, man. No "misrepresentation" in the least, especially not "serious."
It happens and hopefully it remains a very rare occurrence.

Do we not remember a certain USMA 2016 graduate who ultimately received an other than honorable discharge from 2nd BCT 10th Mountain for such beliefs?
What I really want to know is if he has the pay the Army back for his education. Since his VA benefits are already secured by his previous enlistment, the OTH discharge is not punitive to him in any way.
I hope I don't derail the various character thread discussions on the current nominee, but I am hearing no discussions at all as to his overall level of knowledge for all things DoD. I fully appreciate his knowledge of Army matters, but in terms of the future of the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, etc.......I am not sure someone who got to the level of O4 has the experience level needed. He may have additional background that we haven't heard yet, but that is my exact point. It is almost as though we are good with the nominee so long as they aren't a functioning alcoholic or an adulterer.

And while this is heretical, I am getting weary of all DoD picks only having military backgrounds. From a Navy perspective, our shipbuilding efforts are an absolute, convoluted dumpster fire. The expression within the shipbuilding industry is "the ships are so nice, we build them twice" because so many of them fail right out of the shipbuilding yard. [[[[[ In my haste to post, I neglected to make my point that someone with major industrial base manufacturing experience might make an outstanding pick for this position ]]]

I would love to hear anything in the next few days or weeks about how he would address some of these issues. But I suspect instead I will learn about what he had for breakfast at the republican convention or his favorite brand of whiskey than whether or not he can manage the extremely large and unwieldly Department of Defense, which is filled with angry old men screaming at clouds and yelling at people to get off of their lawn. (and yes, it is not lost on me that I am an angry old OFF OF MY LAWN.)


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I hope I don't derail the various character thread discussions on the current nominee, but I am hearing no discussions at all as to his overall level of knowledge for all things DoD. I fully appreciate his knowledge of Army matters, but in terms of the future of the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, etc.......I am not sure someone who got to the level of O4 has the experience level needed. He may have additional background that we haven't heard yet, but that is my exact point. It is almost as though we are good with the nominee so long as they aren't a functioning alcoholic or an adulterer.

And while this is heretical, I am getting weary of all DoD picks only having military backgrounds. From a Navy perspective, our shipbuilding efforts are an absolute, convoluted dumpster fire. The expression within the shipbuilding industry is "the ships are so nice, we build them twice" because so many of them fail right out of the shipbuilding yard. [[[[[ In my haste to post, I neglected to make my point that someone with major industrial base manufacturing experience might make an outstanding pick for this position ]]]

I would love to hear anything in the next few days or weeks about how he would address some of these issues. But I suspect instead I will learn about what he had for breakfast at the republican convention or his favorite brand of whiskey than whether or not he can manage the extremely large and unwieldly Department of Defense, which is filled with angry old men screaming at clouds and yelling at people to get off of their lawn. (and yes, it is not lost on me that I am an angry old OFF OF MY LAWN.)
He has not-figuratively wrote-the-book on DoD culture reform. Currently #1 on Amazon in Military Policy, albeit that makes sense given his nomination. Cultural reform is the greatest need of the contemporary military. I didn't know that shipbuilding was such a sh#tshow, so thank you for sharing that.

Versus manufacturing experience, I generally see chief execs come through the finance side. But I do understand your question about management. It's one thing to have the vision - it's another to realize it. I wouldn't put down an O4. I've seen the best separate from the military far, far before that.

And I'm with you on drinking and fornicating in the military. I will continue to call out the big-lie that adultery and alcohol abuse isn't rampant in the military. I mean - I was in the Air Force, and they had, and still do have, the large, moderating presence of Evangelical Christians and Mormons - and it's still a booze and sex fest with co-workers' spouses. I spent a lot of time with the Marines and Navy in SoCal, and they're definitely pulling their weight with the vices.


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Very classy.

Very classy.
I know exactly how to settle this: Hegseth’s an army guy, DeSantis was navy. If Navy wins, Trump should nominate DeSantis. If Army wins, continue with Hegseth. Raise the stakes.
Saw the following from FischerKing on X/Twitter:

“Candidates for office or government appointments who aren’t perfect - I like them more. Everyone has skeletons. A big reason we have terrible candidates is the best people don’t want the scrutiny and public humiliation, because they have something embarrassing in their background. It’s normal. Trump has busted down this wall. We will get better people if we stand up to the efforts to destroy people personally with old claims.”

I reckon this is true.
Saw the following from FischerKing on X/Twitter:

“Candidates for office or government appointments who aren’t perfect - I like them more. Everyone has skeletons. A big reason we have terrible candidates is the best people don’t want the scrutiny and public humiliation, because they have something embarrassing in their background. It’s normal. Trump has busted down this wall. We will get better people if we stand up to the efforts to destroy people personally with old claims.”

I reckon this is true.
Did you read @GWU PNS (emeritus) post?
I hope I don't derail the various character thread discussions on the current nominee, but I am hearing no discussions at all as to his overall level of knowledge for all things DoD. I fully appreciate his knowledge of Army matters, but in terms of the future of the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, etc.......I am not sure someone who got to the level of O4 has the experience level needed. He may have additional background that we haven't heard yet, but that is my exact point. It is almost as though we are good with the nominee so long as they aren't a functioning alcoholic or an adulterer.

And while this is heretical, I am getting weary of all DoD picks only having military backgrounds. From a Navy perspective, our shipbuilding efforts are an absolute, convoluted dumpster fire. The expression within the shipbuilding industry is "the ships are so nice, we build them twice" because so many of them fail right out of the shipbuilding yard. [[[[[ In my haste to post, I neglected to make my point that someone with major industrial base manufacturing experience might make an outstanding pick for this position ]]]

I would love to hear anything in the next few days or weeks about how he would address some of these issues. But I suspect instead I will learn about what he had for breakfast at the republican convention or his favorite brand of whiskey than whether or not he can manage the extremely large and unwieldly Department of Defense, which is filled with angry old men screaming at clouds and yelling at people to get off of their lawn. (and yes, it is not lost on me that I am an angry old OFF OF MY LAWN.)
You haven't "heard anything on his overall knowledge of DoD" because there isn't any. Nor navigating Congress. Nor business experience to address things from the R&D/acquisition perspective. He is being nominated to be a culture warrior but it seems he could have done that as an UnderSec.
There was a Duffelblog article today that the Senate confirmed him but it was contingent on him completing ILE first.
It's looking more like Pete will at least make it to confirmation but getting confirmed is still up in the air I would say.

To the @GWU PNS (emeritus) post, I am also concerned with the current state of shipbuilding and ship repair. Who knew that working in a ship yard was no longer a good job! Not I until a few months ago. I had a conversation with someone who told me the pay wasn't good enough to make decent money without working too many hours. That simplifies the big picture problem as I'm sure there's many more issues but, without builders, ships don't get built or repaired.

Delays in delivery and cost overruns have been a thing for a long time. High level policy decisions have been a recent issue affecting ship types. I don't know much about appropriations vs. Needs of the Navy but the USN Gator Navy is at the point where the Mediterranean is currently left without an ARG. The Wasp group just returned with the 24th MEU and the 26th MEU is still sitting at Camp Lejeune, not deploying until the summer of 2025. That's of course if the next Big Deck Amphib can get underway on time. Maybe that's just the schedule these days, I don't know. I do know however, that the Wasp didn't leave on time because she kept breaking and had to be taped and wired back together. The same with the Boxer on the west coast. In fact, after a delayed departure, the Boxer was ordered back off deployment to be repaired.

And for the love of all things salty, build Big Deck Amphibs with a well deck. I know the newest of the America class has one.

Who's qualified to be SECDEF? I don't know. I just work here.
If Pete wants this job … he should just come out and announce that his alcohol use is the problem …. He should be preemptive about it … he can say that he didn’t like who he was when he drank … and that I quit today … “Today is the Day” … I will never drink again …. I’m done

I believe this would shock the committee into confirming the young man …

On a Wednesday in early October 2003 … I told myself “Today is the Day” … done …. Not a drop in over 20 years …. I can be around folks who are drinking … and I just don’t get the urge …. The mind can control what you do …

I like who am now …
If Pete wants this job … he should just come out and announce that his alcohol use is the problem …. He should be preemptive about it … he can say that he didn’t like who he was when he drank … and that I quit today … “Today is the Day” … I will never drink again …. I’m done

I believe this would shock the committee into confirming the young man …

On a Wednesday in early October 2003 … I told myself “Today is the Day” … done …. Not a drop in over 20 years …. I can be around folks who are drinking … and I just don’t get the urge …. The mind can control what you do …

I like who am now …
Within my circles, for every person I know who drinks too much I also know somebody who knew tapered it down or cut it out completely once they realized how problematic alcohol can be. I don’t find his explanations unbelievable personally. I am also skeptical because these anonymous accusations (which have been refuted by many of his former coworkers) didn’t even come out until the previous attacks failed to stick.
I believe Pete is the 3 to 6-piece kind of drinker …. And, unfortunately, he can get really carried away at times … the 12-piece dinner … closet mostly …

The world would love for him to admit it and fix it …

I think by doing so, he would set a great example in the eyes of the Confirmation Committee … and become the next SecDef …
I predict Joni Ernst will never make Trump's list for Sec Def. I also think that she is playing games with future in the Senate. She's been there for 10 years, which is plenty long-enough for anyone.
Another positive point on Hegseth...

He will not need to request a waiver from Congress for the waiting period mandated by the National Security Act of 1947.

It was particularly egregious in the case of Lloyd Austin, who openly courted Beau Biden's friendship. The precise reason the waiting period exists.