Service Selection Bonuses


Dec 28, 2015
Good Afternoon Everyone,

I was curious if there are any specific bonuses for different service selections typically. For example, a EOD officer getting a bonus of 10K. Any knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Subs is the only one that gets a bonus (maybe nuke swo, but I can't remember ). Don't quote me but I think it was around 20k
According to the USNA website it states Nuke (SWO and Subs) can get bonuses of up to $17,500. Not sure how they break it up now; all up front or half at selection and half at completion. Someone more recent than me can answer. There are other bonuses for other career fields down the road. There can be (remember bonuses can fluctuate) bonuses for aviation and SWO dept head tours (could be for subs too). The Navy can change bonuses in order to meet manpower needs at anytime. Google can help you out on these.