Situational Depression Anxiety DQ


New Member
Nov 8, 2017
Hey, everyone. I have finally resorted to posting on the forums; no just lurking here.

I am a freshman at the University of Wyoming in the AFROTC program. I was on a type 2 scholarship up until my Detachment commander discovered that I was medically disqualified for depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia. They've had to temporarily revoke my scholarship that kicks in during my sophomore year, until I can get my DoDMERB situated. I am still attending all ROTC events because I love it and I want to prove that I want to be here.

My depression, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia were all situational after my parents separation and divorce which I need to convince that this is true. I am working alongside DoDMERB consultants but they are strongly suggesting that I look into Army ROTC. Has anyone had any luck getting a depression/anxiety waiver or appeal?

Air Force and military service are my passion and this is what I want to do. Please let me know if anyone has had any success with this?
USAF is known to be especially tough on DoDMERB issues. I would imagine this is even more so now on mental health issues, given the recent tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Even the Army may be a stretch given the headlines gleaned from the Bergdahl incident.

If you are working with Dr. Merchant, I would seriously consider his advice. You can always hope for a waiver, but be prepared with plans B thru Z.

Good luck.
Hey, everyone. I have finally resorted to posting on the forums; no just lurking here.

I am a freshman at the University of Wyoming in the AFROTC program. I was on a type 2 scholarship up until my Detachment commander discovered that I was medically disqualified for depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia. They've had to temporarily revoke my scholarship that kicks in during my sophomore year, until I can get my DoDMERB situated. I am still attending all ROTC events because I love it and I want to prove that I want to be here.

My depression, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia were all situational after my parents separation and divorce which I need to convince that this is true. I am working alongside DoDMERB consultants but they are strongly suggesting that I look into Army ROTC. Has anyone had any luck getting a depression/anxiety waiver or appeal?

Air Force and military service are my passion and this is what I want to do. Please let me know if anyone has had any success with this?

I would like to PM you, but I think you need more posts before that can happen.
What is your actual diagnosis - is it any type of anxiety or is it adjustment disorder?
I was treated for situational anxiety and depression which gave me migraines and insomnia due to lack of coping skills, but I saw neurologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, and they are all on board to clear me since none of this is affecting me currently. I'm off my medications and see a counselor from time to time but I feel that I now have the coping skills, the experience, and just awareness for my mental health and others. I was treated for general anxiety disorder and depression but I'm all good now and have been for over a year. I had no depression or anxiety before my parents' divorce, it was just a stressor, but I'm thriving at college, away from that toxic situation.
In your first sentence, you say you were treated for situational anxiety - in second to last sentence, you say you were treated for general anxiety disorder. They are not the same thing at all, so please request and check your medical records to be clear on the actual diagnosis. I also just sent you PM with more information. Best wishes.