SMP vs Split Op


5-Year Member
Jun 20, 2014
I've been on this forum a trillion times my apologies, but what's the difference between SMP and Split Op. I'm an incoming freshman at SF State, and talked to my cadre about going Split Op and he said that it's fine and won't interfere and said he'll even send me to a NG and AR recruiter when I go to welcome back week in a few days. Now my question is what's the difference between Split Op and SMP? What're their similarities, is there a pro or con to doing one over the other? Which one will get me the most money? Right now I'm still on the fence about signing a GRFD or going active duty. But I'm confused what's the difference between SMP and Split op, I understand split op is good for high school students but that doesn't relate to my case. Thank you for your help guys
You can do the split op in college. SMP is after you're already in the National Guard/Reserves or have a GRFD scholarship. Split option is just attending basic training one summer and AIT the next.