Soldiers Admission


New Member
Feb 4, 2025
Hello, I enlisted as a Junior in high school and went to Basic Training between my junior and senior year.

I was told I am a part of Soldiers admissions and received a nomination from my commander at RSP and 3 other for congressional. In the Instructions for Applicants, it states "Soldiers who are not offered an appointment to West Point are automatically considered for enrollment in the United States Military Academy Preparatory School(USMAPS)."

How valid is this? I'll take any chance to go to this school even with a year of prep. (for those interested i am a 3.5 gpa student)
Not sure totally what you mean by how "valid" it is, but I'll just give a quick perspective. Sounds like you did split option---I have several buddies who did that and got in direct or got into prep. Going to prep is super "valid." You get paid more, get treated like a firstie (can have cars, leave often, etc.). And my prior friends that got in direct are doing well too. Either way, being a prior and then being a cadet is a good move. Most priors are looked up to and respected (class of 2028's president is a prior and prepster.). Prior is the move honestly.
Just so you are clear, "automatically considered" does not mean that you are offered a Prep School slot. Any regular Army soldier who is rejected from admission to West Point is put into the pool of prospective candidates for the Prep School. USMAPS is a common track for regular Army soldiers seeking admission.