Stolen Valor, Free Speech

Some of the strongest champions of First-Amendment free speech come from all over the political spectrum, including SC Justice Anthony Kennedy, a moderate. The Swisher decision was 8-3.

8-3? Were William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall voting from the grave?

Just having a little fun LAP. I 'm a little liberal in my heart, but more conservative in my brain. There's a place for both.

I am no fan of public shaming through social media, but I have confidence that the stolen valor folks will respond accordingly.
8-3? Were William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall voting from the grave?

Geez, I hope not! This was an 11-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. (Since most people are used to courts of 7 or 9 judges, that's why I linked to the original court decision.) Unlike SCOTUS, where all 9 judges hear all cases and vote on all outcomes (termed en banc), there are 29 judges for the 9th Circuit. Cases like this one are heard before a randomly-selected panel of 11 judges, which, confusingly, is called "limited en banc."
My bad. Thought you were referring to a SCOTUS decision. So much for me being well-informed.