Anne99, even if you never sent your plebe a care package, he would still get care packages. The chaplains reach out to plebe parents and others to send extra, generic packages so no plebe goes without. Last year, they received so many, they had to ask people to stop sending them! You and your plebe are about to become part of an amazing family.NavyHoops, you are my best info source. Thank you ma'am from the bottom of my heart. Note to self : Over-indulgent mom stuff not necessary. He already knows what underwear he wants sent and already owns it.
The only thing that I would say I immediately got use out of as a Plebe was the extra compression shorts. My parents sent care packages later, and I appreciated them, but compression shorts are the one thing that I made use of right away besides the running shoes I brought. If I'm not mistaken you only get around 8 pairs to start out, which doesn't actually last that long given the amount of sweating that happens.
It would be helpful to send a few white colored pairs in addition to any black compression shorts you send as they are good to wear under summer whites.
Also, males are issued briefs in addition to compression shorts, so if you're more comfortable in boxers/boxer briefs, then that might be something to have sent to you
As mentioned above, plebes will visit the mid store once around the middle of plebe summer.
Sports teams have their own tables at most meals during the academic year, so I'm confused as to how they hoard food from your plebe. In fact, at most meals you can ask for an extra food tray for your table if everything gets eaten. Or you can ask around other tables for extra food, most people are pretty receptive to that. I can understand if your plebe didn't feel comfortable as a 4/C speaking up to get more food, but usually there is enough for everyone as long as you are proactive about asking for it.
Yeah. If that was the problem, he'd have food. They run out and he eats side dishes and snacks when they get back to the room. The staff in King Hall tell him there is no more when he asks. The food is gone because some take too much. Same thing happened during PS. They didn't get Gatorade drink mix and we had to send it in care packages. It's left where they can get it, but if a few take more than their share, someone gets none. It's not an infinite amount. They run out when some overindulge. That's just how it works. I have spent a lot of time and money sending staples to eat and drink powder all year.
In the four years I spent at the academy plus this past summer working with plebes as a TAD, I have not heard of a single person consistently, or really ever, not getting enough to eat. No, they don't get the gatorade powders from King Hall. They are the actual bottles of gatorade. So if your plebe was asking you to send drink mix, it isn't because others were taking too much, he just wanted it instead of the bottles of it. During the AC year they do not supply gatorade to anyone. As far as food goes, sometimes KH will serve skimpy portions for the entree, but there's still plenty of options to get a full, balanced meal in KH for every single meal.
Yeah. If that was the problem, he'd have food. They run out and he eats side dishes and snacks when they get back to the room. The staff in King Hall tell him there is no more when he asks. The food is gone because some take too much. Same thing happened during PS. They didn't get Gatorade drink mix and we had to send it in care packages. It's left where they can get it, but if a few take more than their share, someone gets none. It's not an infinite amount. They run out when some overindulge. That's just how it works. I have spent a lot of time and money sending staples to eat and drink powder all year.
I'm glad you always found enough to eat. That's nice. That has not been our DS's experience.
Does anyone know the brand and style or model of the sport bras, underwear and compression shorts?