Switching Options?


5-Year Member
Nov 11, 2009
Is it possible to go from Naval Option to Marine Option or vice-versa for midshipmen during the freshman or sophmore school year and with out any penalties?

curious :/

Although it's not impossible, it is frowned upon. Why? Because in awarding the scholarships the US Navy has run their numbers and they are anticipating commissioning "X" officers 4 years from now - less an average attrition number. Likewise, the USMC has done their manpower numbers too.

Also, if you're a Tier 1 major the Navy is going to strongly try to keep you as they need engineering officers to run ships. The USMC doesn't need engineers to lead platoons and companies though.

Good luck,
Bob McMahon
eh~ its only a thought. I had to compromise with my dad in joining the military by joining the Navy instead of the Marine Corps, so i was just wondering if it was possible to switch USMC and hopefully they wont mind an extra mechanical major joining their ranks :rolleyes:
Once your in, after your first semester you may know more about your school and NROTC program. When you sit down with an rotc advisor to discuss your academic plan and goals, that would be the time to ask. You might just sniff around and see if anyone has done it before you, you might decide you don't want it. Don't ask unless you are absolutely sure you'd want it.
haha of course i'll stick around with the Navy for at least my freshman year. But if i go to contramid during the summer and see that im more interested in the Marine option, then i'll make my decision :rolleyes: