Test Optional Effects


5-Year Member
Sep 19, 2018
Like I'm sure many have seen by now USMA went test optional with a couple contingencies but my question isn't about those. I took the SAT and ACT over the summer in 2019 and scored a 1520 and 33 respectively. When West Point says they won't hold it against you as long as you provide a PSAT score + documented effort does that mean that someone who was unable to take a standardized test will be looked at on an even playing field as me or would I have the advantage. I know it's not going to change anything for me and a good test score can only help but I was wondering so I thought I'd ask.
Just one man's opinion, but if they don't treat you the same on a level playing field, then it's not really "test optional" is it. That being said, you have an outstanding score which will stand you in good stead. Nothing to worry about there, imho.
Test optional makes for a bigger pool of candidates, but is that really what the SA’s want? I drove my DS to another State last weekend for an ACT (4th test) so that he could work on obtaining a higher score.
This is something that can be used to his advantage at interviews... wants it so bad that the Covid shutdown in our state will not slow Him down.
Ihave to believe the SA’s see it the same way.
West Point has gone test flexible, not test optional. If you absolutely cannot take a test, you will be required to submit documetation showing you attempted to test all the way until the final offered tests. If a candidate decideds that they want to stop trying to test right now in September, that is not going to be a valid reason. Those that have tested already are in the best position, so if you can test, please do so.
Building on the good points above, I don’t see a world in which 1520 and 33 are “held against” you. They are a badge of honor and should be seen as such. In any case, these are wacky times and there’s nothing you can do about anyone else, so focus on completing your apps and ensure you have a great Plan B, C, D, etc.
Test optional makes for a bigger pool of candidates, but is that really what the SA’s want?
I would have to say yes since they instituted the test flexible policy.
I drove my DS to another State last weekend for an ACT (4th test) so that he could work on obtaining a higher score.
This is something that can be used to his advantage at interviews... wants it so bad that the Covid shutdown in our state will not slow Him down.
Ihave to believe the SA’s see it the same way.
This is true. Both viewpoints can be true at the same time. It's a Zen thing.
Just a question. The email stated that this is for those who have not been able to take an SAT test. Does that also apply to those who have taken an SAT but do not have the essay portion?
Is that a Zen thing or Cartesian Dualism?
Thanks for sending me to the dictionary. I think it's a Zen thing - holding two apparent contradictions to both be true at the same time, or a dialetheism. The Cartesian Dualism is both a mind/matter thing, and their interaction with one another, as I understand it.

Related Bon Mot 1: Descartes spends a night drinking in a bar. At closing time the bartender says "Last call. Do you want another?" Descartes replies, "I think not." ... and poof... he disappears

Related Bon Mot 2: The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza parlor and asks, "Can you make me one with everything?"

I have one for virtually every occasion. It's the one true skill I have in life.

EDIT: BTW, I saw a video of an interviewer who actually told that joke to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama laughed his head off.
@kinnem, I’m pretty sure this doesn’t fit the genre of jokes you’ve shared (I don’t really get “metaphysical”but here goes anyway:

Man walks into a bar.
The other one ducks.

(I wonder if it’s better if it involves the Dalai Lama. Or a priest, a rabbi and a minister.)
That dragged up a long list of ".... walks in a bar" jokes for me... but I'll let this thread get back on topic.
That dragged up a long list of ".... walks in a bar" jokes for me... but I'll let this thread get back on topic.
I can’t resist, just like Chuck Norris one-liners and Dad jokes, there are websites full of Dalai Lama jokes.

Here’s the full story on that pizza.

The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop...
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and asks "Can you make me one with everything?"

The pizza vendor fixes a pizza and hands it to the Dalai Lama, who pays with a $20 bill. The vendor puts the bill in the cash box and closes it.

"Excuse me, but where’s my change?" asks the Dalai Lama. The vendor responds, "Change must come from within."

Suddenly, a gun emerges from the Dalai Lama's chest. He says, "this is my inner piece."
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@Capt MJ I heard everything but the gun part as two different jokes... and the second was a 7/11 with the purchase of a slurpee.

My nephew always asks how I remember so many jokes. He tries to memorize them as I tell them. I explain, "You only need to remember the punch line. Once you have that, you can set it up any way you want." The 'Change must come from within' punchline is a case in point. Thanks for the opportunity to expound on the high art of comedy. :)