Does anyone know when leave begins for Thanksgiving weekend?
Does it start in Wed. Nov 22nd at 0700 because I also heard that bases on Midshipmen's academic schedule they possibly may be released on the days prior possibly as early as the 18th.
DH and I are trying to schedule flights for holiday get together.
Thanks for any help!
Leave begins at the conclusion of your last military obligation (LMO) on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (in this case Nov. 22). They usually say "no earlier than" (NET) 0700 so that if you didn't have class that day you couldn't leave on Tuesday. However, as a plebe there is a 100% chance that you will have at least some classes on Wednesday.
The day before Thanksgiving is an early schedule day so that means classes start at 0655 and go uninterrupted until the end of 6th period at 1245. So, if your plebe had a 6th period class, he would have to wait until 1245 to leave USNA, but if his last class of the day was 4th period, he or she would be good to go at 1045.
A word to the wise: USNA is a zoo on early release days because everybody is trying to leave at once. If your plebe can't leave tilll 1245 then I'd hold of on scheduling a flight before 1500 or maybe 1600 so be safe.
On the back end, everybody's supposed to be back on Sunday at 2000. I think there might be a rule about your flight is supposed to land at least two hours before EOL, but as long as you're back on time I don't think anybody stresses out too much. People are pretty understanding of flight delays. Generally leave about 30-45 mins depending on the time of day to get from USNA to BWI and much longer to Reagan.
As NavyHoops said, If you are on OPINFO where you go around and sell the Academy at local high schools in your area, then you could be home as early as the friday before Thanksgiving. However, there is 0% chance that this will be given to a plebe, for several reasons.