The more things change the more they stay the same!


5-Year Member
Jun 11, 2014
Hi Friends,

Can't believe it has been a year since my sons commissioning. I punched out with the statement that it was time for me to work on something new for awhile. Been road tripping a lot with my husband for his business venture. Went back to college working on the Pre-Nursing classes. If all goes well I should have a BSRN in time to qualify for Social Security!

Son spent 6 months at USNA after commisioning doing some computer stuff for them and is now down at Pensacola. Struggling with rote memorization, but getting accolades in the simulator. He got engaged to another USNA Grad and she is already gone ...Nuclear/Surface Warfare. They do great and I know we have all kinds of threads on the subject, but I hurt for them already, it's a hard gig doing this dual military career deal.

Missed the Forum, but when I logged in, thought I just left yesterday, all the THREADS LOOKED THE SAME.:welcome:

I'll check in more often good to see familiar names and stories!