Reading some of these messages is heartbreaking especially when I consider myself one of the lucky ones to be here. I thought that if anything, I was destined for NAPS if I had any shot at getting in here. One message to anyone out there: No matter who you are, you can never bank on getting into USNA and there are no shoo-ins. If you do get in here, it's just an opportunity. I wish some of the midshipmen I see walking around would embrace how lucky they are because there are some motivated (Now NROTC midshipmen elsewhere, or civilians at a normal college, or sailors) rejected candidates who would do much better than some midshipmen here could have ever dreamed of. Remember, USNA is only one source of being commissioned as a Naval Officer. I considered forgoing USNA, ROTC, or any other college because I wanted to see what it was like to be a sailor in the United States Navy. It doesn't make a difference whether or not you're an officer. If you have a calling to serve, there is a different capacity for everyone. Anyone who has that calling and who is willing to sacrifice their ways of life for the betterment and fulfillment of the Constitutional Paradigm should be commended.