Top generals buck White House on military gay ban

I watched the hearings this morning. The text in the link is quite skewed and misrepresents the hearing quite a bit. General Casey was, at worst, ambivalent. Gen Cartwright actually concurred with Adm Mullen. Gen Schwartz only stated he thought the repeal should be pushed to 2012 due to his opinion on the status of forces in the future [he thought that we would be reducing forces in 2011]. Adm Roughhead concurred with Adm Mullen and Sec Gates. Gen Amos didn't say anything new that he hasn't already said.

In fact, the much lower resistance from the top dogs ended up turning some Republican Senators. Sen Burr actually seemed to soften. Sen Brown has now expressed support for repeal. Sen Collins is already for repeal. Chances are, Sen Snow and Sen Ensign will follow since they've expressed support.

Through I've seen all sorts of slants on the hearings. I'm actually shocked by some stories. The issue is that the soundbites are way easy to manipulate. If you get a chance to watch the hearings from a recording (and want to get a real idea of how they went) I'd recommend it. I was happily surprised at the Gen/Adms reactions. Either Sec Gates has whipped them in line really well, or some media sources really didn't represent their opinions well before!

A big theme has emerged, that's the plea for it to be repealed before the courts do it instead. They place the chance for repeal through the courts pretty high. If that happens, it will be much more disruptive!
Thanks Temp for the insight! I wish I could say that I'm shocked that the news media would "slant" their coverage of the hearings.