Currently I am applying at the Naval Academy and have taken the Dodmerb examinations. I have an administrative remedial to complete but I have a problem. It is about a cyst that was removed sometime before 6th grade. The remedial requires a pathology report but since my family does not remember where the removal was performed or by who I am unable to complete the remedial.
Exact Text:
R251.13 DOES NOT REQUIRE A PHYSICIAN'S APPOINTMENT: Please provide copy(ies) of pathology report(s) regarding cyst removed from upper left shoulder.
End Text
What should I do to deal with this problem?
Exact Text:
R251.13 DOES NOT REQUIRE A PHYSICIAN'S APPOINTMENT: Please provide copy(ies) of pathology report(s) regarding cyst removed from upper left shoulder.
End Text
What should I do to deal with this problem?