USAFA ALO on board


Super Moderator
15-Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Hi all!

I'm new here...but an "OLD" ALO...13 years so far; and a grad of USAFA '83.

Willing to answer any questions I can, help in any way I can, and generally just be a sounding board.

If I can be of any assistance, gimme a holler!

Do you need to be in the AF to be an ALO? Can Civil Air Patrol member be an ALO?

Do you need to be in the AF to be an ALO? Can Civil Air Patrol member be an ALO?


Admission Liaison Officers (ALOs) are USAF Reserve officers almost exclusively. We have a few "additional duty" ALO's that are "active duty" but doing it as a "side job."

A CAP member in and of themselves can't serve as an ALO as it's an AF position. That's not to say a CAP member can't be a valuable resource in the officer accessions process! I work with the local CAP unit and they're always asking me to come speak with this cadet or that unit, etc. They're very valuable in our goal to find/promote the best candidates we can.

And CAP in and of itself is a GREAT place to start the climb to the academy!!!

(CAP since Feb '75, IACE '77)
Thank you.

Admission Liaison Officers (ALOs) are USAF Reserve officers almost exclusively. We have a few "additional duty" ALO's that are "active duty" but doing it as a "side job."

A CAP member in and of themselves can't serve as an ALO as it's an AF position. That's not to say a CAP member can't be a valuable resource in the officer accessions process! I work with the local CAP unit and they're always asking me to come speak with this cadet or that unit, etc. They're very valuable in our goal to find/promote the best candidates we can.

And CAP in and of itself is a GREAT place to start the climb to the academy!!!

(CAP since Feb '75, IACE '77)
Huge welcome flieger83. Thank you for giving your time & knowledge to applicants & their families who frequent here. Having you to help with some of the mysteries of the process will calm a great many fears. Thanks again!
I would like to second Jamzmom's Huge Welcome, flieger83. Please excuse my belatedness. I was traveling at the end of July and somehow missed seeing this thread.

My West Point son went through the USAFA application process two years ago. His ALO was excellent. The USAFA candidates are fortunate that they have such well trained and supportive people to answer their questions about the USAFA and the Air Force. I think you ALOs are great.

Thanks for joining us!! :smile:

How can I be sure if the ALO listed on the USAFA site is correct?
How can I be sure if the ALO listed on the USAFA site is correct?

Not sure why you would question it but if they're listed on the USAFA website then they are correct.

The Liaison Officer Director for the specific state or, if the state is large enough to have been subdivided, for that area, will assign the ALO's to their schools and will notifiy USAFA who will in turn put them on the system.

Is there a specific ALO/School you are concerned about? If so, you can PM me and we can take this offline.

(State Dep'y Director)