USAFA Apointee/Candidate Dinner Atlanta March 22


Oct 24, 2023
I have been invited to this, I am making this thread to see who else has been.
It is through admissions - Colonel Pipes will be there, along with a few others from admissions.
It is through admissions - Colonel Pipes will be there, along with a few others from admissions.
I went with my ds to one in Jan. It was great to have some facetime with them. You'll probably have a better experience with it being later.
Is this just for appointed seniors I assume? If open to juniors I know one who'd love to go!
My DD was invited but she does not have a nom. : (
Don't lose hope - there are discretionary nomination sources the academies handle, so the game isn't over. I could be wrong about this part, but I believe an invitation to this is somewhat an indication of competitiveness. I don't think Colonel Pipes and the rest of the team would be in attendance otherwise. I also think this because I don't live anywhere close to Atlanta (or even in GA) and I don't think there are hundreds to thousands of spots to accomodate every candidate from multiple states.
Why do you say this?
We went in Jan and admissions didn't have a lot of updates on the make-up of the class yet. They confirmed that all invited were competitive candidates, but couldn't tell us much more. Some candidates hadn't even been informed of noms yet. We were told to wait 6 weeks.

You are going after the majority of the admissions are decided and nominations are fully in so there will be more info available. Col. Pipes even said she wished our event was later in the process. Even so, it was great to get the lay of the land and have time with admissions personnel. They were good at answering all of our questions. As a grad with a cadet already there, I still learned a lot.
Don't lose hope - there are discretionary nomination sources the academies handle, so the game isn't over. I could be wrong about this part, but I believe an invitation to this is somewhat an indication of competitiveness. I don't think Colonel Pipes and the rest of the team would be in attendance otherwise. I also think this because I don't live anywhere close to Atlanta (or even in GA) and I don't think there are hundreds to thousands of spots to accomodate every candidate from multiple states.
It is indicative of competitiveness but admissions didn't know in the room who had noms when we went (and this was late, late Jan). They were happy to hear ds had a nom when we talked to them and said that was a great sign for admittance, but definitely not a done deal. I'm not sure they dive that deep into the apps when sending out invitations. Still, if a candidates file is open, they still have a chance.

The events are by region so the area can be quite large. I think a fraction of those invited to ours came due to distance.
How did invitations to this arrive? Email or snail mail? We have not received anything...should I take this as a bad sign?
How did invitations to this arrive? Email or snail mail? We have not received anything...should I take this as a bad sign?
DS received the invitation for the January one by email. It was called an USAFA Admissions Social.

We don't really know what it means that you weren't invited so I wouldn't think the worst. Our venue was pretty small and our region has a TON of candidates. DS was one of over 900 to apply for our senator's USAFA nom and the region is more than just our state. We were told that all of the invited candidates were competitive, but not that every competitive candidate was invited. We have no idea how many were invited. All of that to say, breathe and don't read too much into it.
I know this is late but wanted to add a little bit to this. Our DS was invited to this and we attended. We were rather baffled as strange things were happening. He didn't receive a nomination, only had noms to USMMA and USNA, but AFTER he didn't receive the nom his medical waiver kept moving forward for USAFA. I believe his waiver was cleared about a month to maybe two months before this event.

We talked to many people about what was going on and they said that his waiver getting cleared after not receiving the nomination was strange. This included people at USAFA. Fast forward attended the event and finally got to speak with the head of admissions. She explained that SOMETIMES his situation could happen for Prep School but the Prep School spots were filled.

Well, couple weeks later word came down that out of the blue our DS was first on the waiting list and then awarded the Falcon Foundation Scholarship for Prep School which he will start in August.

So long story short, if you get invited to an event such as this, go to it. I truly believe this may have been a screening event for cadets.