Using the NROTC scholarship right out of high school, am I able to go to an out of state college?


New Member
Oct 12, 2016
I want to use the NROTC scholarship to get into University of Penn. However I live in the south, am I able use this to go to a college that far?
NROTC scholarships are assigned to a school. You can't "take the scholarship" anywhere. You can attend where the scholarship is assigned (based on the list of 5 schools that you submit with your scholarship application.)
Also the scholarship will most likely not get you into the school. You must be able to get in on your own merits.
However, should you be accepted by U Penn and you are awarded an NROTC scholarship to U Penn, then yes you can attend using the scholarship. (I guess it's obvious but no one stated it so I add this for clarity).