Capt MJ

15-Year Member
Sep 27, 2008
THE FORMAT: This is the simplest and oldest format, a straight text list, no formatted tables, that is described in following paragraphs. If you decide to import a table or spreadsheet format to “help” the thread, please take full responsibility for it to the end of the cycle. Provide clear instructions; if you introduce the table, please stick with it to end of cycle as a trouble-shooter. Check in regularly to help those who have trouble with it. Rescue those who give up or don’t bother and just leave a name in the hope someone will scoop it up and add it. Most posters can handle the simple list, and other posters find it relatively easy to help duplicate a simple list. Having a complete list at the end of the cycle can give hints of trends and is just plain fun to watch.

This is meant primarily to be a list of appointees to USMMA (candidates with sponsored prep school offers [Class of 2028] should celebrate in their own thread), so we can see the class build. If you have a question to ask, it probably deserves its own thread, and this one can stay relatively true to its purpose.

HOW TO ADD A NAME: This is self-reporting, self-updating and DIY. Mods don't update the list. Kindly posters occasionally do, but the burden falls on posters to copy the list, add their entry and post the updated list.

Copy the most recent list, paste into new post, use the next number, enter your info in a similar format, post. If you don’t do this, and just post an entry and not the updated list, you risk the next poster updating the last list, the one without your name, and leaving your entry stranded and not included. Please do the neighborly thing and update the entire list with your entry.

Don’t forget to go back and update Undecideds! Same drill - Copy list, paste into new thread, update your entry, post. You might want to note “Updated #post with decision.”

Next appointment number)
/SAF forum name: self, DD, DS
/Notified of Appointment Date
/Accepted or Declined or Undecided
/Nom sources
/via prep, direct appoint from HS, prior enlisted, re-appointment, etc.

** State and any other specific information is always optional, in the interests of privacy.**

1)FutureDeckOfficer/DD/Dec 7, 2022/ Accepted/VA-Sen/direct appoint

2)SeeTheWorld27/Self/Feb 14, 2023/Plan to Accept/college re-applicant

3)BeatCoastGuard2027/Self/May 1, 2023/Accepted/prior AF enlisted

4)HopefulMariner/DS/Apr 1, 2023/Accepted/Rep/self-prep

For Reference, here’s the link to Class of 2026:
Thread 'USMMA Class of 2026 Appointment List: Self-Maintained and DIY'
USAFA grad @shiner kindly started this last year. I just had some holiday chocolate, and given someone just posted they had heard the new Superintendent would soon be signing appointment offers, I felt a Kind Soul urge and started this thread as a Navy person who has a soft spot in her heart for USMMA, with many years of serving with KP grads who worked for Military Sealift Command.

I have had the privilege of attending USMMA’s Beat Retreat ceremony several times. I found this COVID-era video to be suitable as a kick-off musical interlude.

Let the appointments flow!

2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
Copy the most recent list (which happens to be the first!), paste it into a new post, edit to add your entry, per Post #1. This is a DIY thread!

Great to see this thread start populating - co gratifications to our first 2 appointees to post.
1) Hope2BeA27BearDad / DD / Dec 21 / Declined / GA-Rep / Direct
2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
3) US?A/self/5 Jan/Undecided/MD-Rep/direct
4) ROGUEgoat / DS / Dec 23/ Undecided / AL- Rep & Sen / Direct
5) USN-YN2-1998/ DD/ 5 Jan/ Accepted/ OH-Senator/ Direct
6) mcpa/ DS/ 10 Jan/ Accepted/ PA-Rep/ Direct
1) Hope2BeA27BearDad / DD / Dec 21 / Declined / GA-Rep / Direct
2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
3) US?A/self/5 Jan/Undecided/MD-Rep/direct
4) ROGUEgoat / DS / Dec 23/ Undecided / AL- Rep & Sen / Direct
5) USN-YN2-1998/ DD/ 5 Jan/ Accepted/ OH-Senator/ Direct
6) mcpa/ DS/ 10 Jan/ Accepted/ PA-Rep/ Direct
7) swimmom3/ DS / 24 Jan/ Accepted/ FL- Rep/ Direct/ recruited swimmer
1) Hope2BeA27BearDad / DD / Dec 21 / Declined / GA-Rep / Direct
2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
3) US?A/self/5 Jan/Undecided/MD-Rep/direct
4) ROGUEgoat / DS / Dec 23/ Undecided / AL- Rep & Sen / Direct
5) USN-YN2-1998/ DD/ 5 Jan/ Accepted/ OH-Senator/ Direct
6) mcpa/ DS/ 10 Jan/ Accepted/ PA-Rep/ Direct
7) swimmom3/ DS / 24 Jan/ Accepted/ FL- Rep/ Direct/ recruited swimmer
8) Stars&Stripes/DS/Jan 27/Accepted/MD - Rep & Senator/Direct/recruited swimmer
1) Hope2BeA27BearDad / DD / Dec 21 / Declined / GA-Rep / Direct
2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
3) US?A/self/5 Jan/Undecided/MD-Rep/direct
4) ROGUEgoat / DS / Dec 23/ Undecided / AL- Rep & Sen / Direct
5) USN-YN2-1998/ DD/ 5 Jan/ Accepted/ OH-Senator/ Direct
6) mcpa/ DS/ 10 Jan/ Accepted/ PA-Rep/ Direct
7) swimmom3/ DS / 24 Jan/ Accepted/ FL- Rep/ Direct/ recruited swimmer
8) Stars&Stripes/DS/Jan 27/Accepted/MD - Rep & Senator/Direct/recruited swimmer
9) Sam2018/DS/Jan 31/most likely will accept/ TX - Senators & Rep/ recruited swimmer
1) Hope2BeA27BearDad / DD / Dec 21 / Declined / GA-Rep / Direct
2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
3) US?A/self/5 Jan/Undecided/MD-Rep/direct
4) ROGUEgoat / DS / Dec 23/ Undecided / AL- Rep & Sen / Direct
5) USN-YN2-1998/ DD/ 5 Jan/ Accepted/ OH-Senator/ Direct
6) mcpa/ DS/ 10 Jan/ Accepted/ PA-Rep/ Direct
7) swimmom3/ DS / 24 Jan/ Accepted/ FL- Rep/ Direct/ recruited swimmer
8) Stars&Stripes/DS/Jan 27/Accepted/MD - Rep & Senator/Direct/recruited swimmer
9) Sam2018/DS/Jan 31/most likely will accept/ TX - Senators & Rep/ recruited swimmer
10) Ricky___11115/Self/Jan 31/most likely will attend/ NY - Senator & Rep/Direct
1) Hope2BeA27BearDad / DD / Dec 21 / Declined / GA-Rep / Direct
2) emmaN / self/5 Jan/ accept/ NV-senator/direct
3) US?A/self/5 Jan/Undecided/MD-Rep/direct
4) ROGUEgoat / DS / Dec 23/ Undecided / AL- Rep & Sen / Direct
5) USN-YN2-1998/ DD/ 5 Jan/ Accepted/ OH-Senator/ Direct
6) mcpa/ DS/ 10 Jan/ Accepted/ PA-Rep/ Direct
7) swimmom3/ DS / 24 Jan/ Accepted/ FL- Rep/ Direct/ recruited swimmer
8) Stars&Stripes/DS/Jan 27/Accepted/MD - Rep & Senator/Direct/recruited swimmer
9) Sam2018/DS/Jan 31/most likely will accept/ TX - Senators & Rep/ recruited swimmer
10) Ricky___11115/Self/Jan 31/most likely will attend/ NY - Senator & Rep/Direct
11) curious_m3rchant/Self/Feb 8/Accepted/LA-Rep/college re-applicant