USNA 2013


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 18, 2008
I was wondering who else has been accepted to USNA. I was hoping to get started on getting to know people in the 2013 class! :biggrin: Is there anyone else in Arizona who has been accepted? Or is everyone from the East Coast?

I'm at NAPS (Naval Academy Prep School c/o 2009) right now. Me and about 270 other kids at NAPS will be your USNA 2013 classmates :-)
I'm close: Colorado. I haven't gotten the official offer in the mail but I have a nomination and a LOA.
what exactly is an LOA

My son has received nominations for both USNA and USMA and has received letters from both stating he is academically qualified. Are these letters the LOA's?
I got these letters as well. They are NOT LOA's however they are another step in the admissions process and it is definitely a good thing! The journey continues...
check the letter again. when I got my LOA I thought it was one of those scholastically qualified letters, because it started off like this: "We are pleased to advise you that the Admissions Board has found you qualified to compete for admission to the US Naval Academy with the Class of 2013".

However, the next sentence says: "You are guaranteed an offer of appointment if your remaining admissions requirements are completed."

good luck!
The USMA letter says " although qualified , we have not yet received a nomination for you" (11/26/2008). Two weeks later they received the nomination but yet still nothing. The waiting stinks:thumbdown:
Don't worry about the nomination processing time. I got my nom over a month ago now, and they're still working on that. The thing that matters is that you have a nomination and letter that says, "if you get a nomination, you're in." (obviously better wording, but means the same). Don't stress out. Most of your classmates won't know they're your classmates for a few more months. So, you're already way ahead of the game.
I've been accepted to c/o 2013, Maryland though :/
Enlisted in the Navy as a nuke right after High School back in 2007, and will be stuck in Charleston, SC until July. Annapolis is a decent place (outside of the campus), within an hours distance of both Baltimore and DC (and my old home ;) ).
You Lucky ones that got appointments or LOA's already, if you don't mind sharing, what were your SAT scores?

... Yes I realize that SAT scores are a small part of the equation but I feel that they are the weakest point of my application (640 verbal 650 math).
I took the ACT and got around a 28-29 composite I believe- don't really remember. But remember the board is looking for the whole person so you could make up for lower scores with something exemplary in another category. Hope that helps. Good luck! Hope to see you in the class of 2013! :)
I recently got an LOA...still waiting on nominations.
USNA just looks at the math and verbal sections of the SAT and/or Math and English of the ACT

fwiw, i got a 610 in verbal and 590 in math
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I'm from Philadelphia; if all goes as planned I'll see you guys in June.

Cycling1222, my SAT score was merely 1800, and my ACT composite was only 26. I did have 740 and 33 on the math sections though. Just hang in there, you'll do fine.
I just got a call in the middle of school from my senator's office saying they were just told that I had received an appointment to the Naval teacher just started laughing and then people started saluting and I felt weird and told them to wait a couple of years:biggrin:
I'm in Indiana so no where near the East Coast
I salute you too. Enjoy your time with your friends and family. What a way to find out! I thought appointment notifications were typically received by FedEx. How cool to have your classmates share in your excitement.

As a mom, I would rather my son be called at his school. He could then come home and tell me! A symbol of your adult decision and the adult world you are entering. Why does mommy and daddy have to be the first to know?
USNA, I salute you for that comment!

I ended up getting 3 calls from 2 MOC's (one b/c of my AF appt), and they were all calls home during school so my mom was the first to know every time. AND she always gets the mail so she's see's important stuff in the mail first too! not fair

anyway, Congratulations wannabe2013! not so much of a wannabe anymore. :thumb:
Im going to NAPS 2009. Im from Maryland. ET3Palm, what part of MD are you from - what high school did you grad from ?