While scanning the CC site today for the first time, I came upon a thread discussing USNA "reenlistments". Officers do not reenlist. They serve at the mercy of the President and after a given amount of time (up to 8 years after winging, for aviators, given the type of platform) are eligible to put in their letters of resignation. The fact that the majority of US Naval Officers were not Academy grads was the main thrust of the thread. As of today, 17% of unrestricted line Ensigns are Academy grads. Several years ago, when I was active duty, 2/3 of flag officers were Academy grads. I think it has probably dropped off somewhat, but well above half of the flag officers today are USNA grads. Bottom line: the longer you stay in the Navy, the better the odds that the person you are saluting graduated from the Academy. The Academy does, as a whole, produce better officers.
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