
Oct 23, 2024
I'm in the process of submitting my CFA to USAFA, and while I'm (somewhat) confident I should get qualified for USAFA, I don't know if USNA's standards are different. Would anyone know if these are passing? I have my MOC Interview this weekend, and I would like to let them know that I have another CFA schelduled if these are not up to par. I'm assuming the pushups or mile might be what fails me.

BB Throw - 58'
Pullups - 12
Shuttle Run - 8.65
Sit Ups - 74
Push Ups - 50
Mile - 7:31
The male standard for the 1-1/2 mile for the PRT (what you do in the Navy) while at the Academy is 10:30 for males/12:45 for females. That's a 7:00/mile pace or 8:30/mile pace depending on gender.

Assuming you are a dude, your mile split is not at the standard for a midshipmen to pass the PRT. Push-ups aren't the best, but they are not terrible. That run needs work (although your shuttle run time is fantastic).
It's almost certainly passing but you will need to up your game on the mile to be successful at USNA. Also, if you're appointed, start practicing cadence pushups -- very different from the kind you do for the CFA.
The male standard for the 1-1/2 mile for the PRT (what you do in the Navy) while at the Academy is 10:30 for males/12:45 for females. That's a 7:00/mile pace or 8:30/mile pace depending on gender.

Assuming you are a dude, your mile split is not at the standard for a midshipmen to pass the PRT. Push-ups aren't the best, but they are not terrible. That run needs work (although your shuttle run time is fantastic).
I absoultely agree, I just started running very recently for the CFA, but I'm not planning on stopping, especially if I recieve an appointment. Thank you for your response!
It's almost certainly passing but you will need to up your game on the mile to be successful at USNA. Also, if you're appointed, start practicing cadence pushups -- very different from the kind you do for the CFA.
I fully agree, and I am focusing on continuous improvement. Thank you for the tip as well, I haven't thought about that. Thank you for your response!
You can probably improve your pushup performance more easily than you can speed up your run. If you have a relatively short time to retake it, I'd put most of my energy on the push-ups.

Thst said, a little coaching on running form could make a noticeable difference if you aren't already an experienced runner. There may be things you can do that will improve your time even if your overall fitness doesn't change much. My older son chopped almost a full minute off his per mile pace just by getting better form as he wasn't wasting energy on poor technique.
Another tip with running… Be consistent, and turn running into something fun. I used to hate running because I was going too fast for not long enough. Slow down, go some longer distances 4-5 miles at a steady pace, but still incorporate some speed work (intervals, fartleks, hill sprints, ect.) Hope this helps!
Male or female?

Pushups look a little low if male. USNA does cadence pushups on their PRT for some reason, not sure what the minimums on that are, but cadence pushups are usually harder than the regular ones the rest of the fleet does

For reference, the Good-Low standard for the fleet PRT with aged 17-19 males is 51 pushups (no cadence)