I’ve posted here, often, that imo one of the pitfalls of this amazing SAF, are people reading the amazing resumes and thinking ‘wow, I’m not good enough’.
And I’ve also stated that if my two read around here, I wonder if they would have thought they were competitive. Now? Both are THRIVING. But neither were class president. Or top 1pct of class. Each were flawed, but had strengths, too.
USNA builds a class of people they can shape into future Naval Officer. And they are really good at identifying the ‘stuff’ a person needs as a foundation for that build up.
As others stated, all you can do is be the BEST you, and show that. Every year, candidates who look great on paper are passed over. And some a that don’t look as good on paper are appointed.
There is more to the WCS look than what’s on paper. You got this!!!
PS: Doubt is normal. Use it for fuel