My DS lives in Virginia and only 1 nomination can be given out to each student. However, my DS applied to both USNA and USAFA. His number 1 choice is USNA, so he didn’t receive a nomination for USAFA. Should he give up on USAFA or is there a chance to receive the Vice Presidential Nomination? He already applied, but is unsure of how the process works because it is much different than the MOV and Senator nominations.
Funny thing how this whole process works mentally: DS has 3 Noms (at least 2 are principal) to #1 choice (USNA), as well as an offer of appointment. No Noms to USAFA, which he ranked as 2nd on his Nom applications. As he received his appointment offer this week, there is no need to apply for VP Nom, which was on his list of things to do.
The mental part? Not extinguishing all avenues available and closing the proverbial door on a USAFA Nom! Even though he is offered at his number one. It’s just weird and counterintuitive after all this effort and time to have that one little option still out there, and not go for it! It’s just not in his (our) make-up to not give everything his all, similar to every candidate.
So a real question here: anyone see any reason to still go for it, beyond the “its easy so just do it?” There doesn’t seem to be a reason that I can see. It seems greedy and boisterous to do do from our perspective. He IS interested in USAFA, he had to rank and did (looking back, he probably should have ranked differently with different Nom’s....but that’s water under the bridge at this point!!). He is also happy with his journey towards USNA. A perspective we do hold is that this has all been pointing to USNA, making a choice he would have to make (should he also have a USAFA offer) less difficult between the two academies.