Per a previous thread in DoDMERB, if a decision is made on your waiver, then you should receive an update whether it is Granted, Denied, or Additional AMI's. (Assuming you have already been informed by the SA that a waiver has been requested on your behalf.) If they have informed you they have requested a waiver, then they must deem you competitive, so it would make sense that they would complete the review. Good luck!
Edited to Add: My DS received notice in his portal that a waiver had been requested on his behalf. It asked him to confirm he was moving forward with his application and asked that he respond ASAP to any requests for additional information from DoDMERB. He was then informed when the AMI's were complete, and the information was being reviewed by the SA authority. After their review, THEN you will be notified of Granted, Denied, or Additional AMI's. Hope this clarifies.