Waiver Denied


New Member
Apr 24, 2017
My DodMERB status has shifted from Waiver Requested to Waiver Denied but I never had any testing done. The website said I was supposed to be sent letters with the next steps on the process but I never received any mail from DoDERB whatsoever. Is this the end of the process or should I send in medical records on my own?
contact your DoDMERB technician for clarification.
Are you a current college student or incoming freshman? I am assuming you are an incoming freshman. If that is the case, then DQing conditions are automatically review for waivers. DODMERB does not conduct any tests on you. They just go by the information is provided. If you have any additional, new information then you should submit it to DODMERB. Once you are on campus, initiate a new waiver request with the ROTC program there (only if there is new medical information that has since been submitted).
The DoDMERB website https://dodmerb.tricare.osd.mil/Default.aspx has some good information on the process. Look at the workflow diagrams and the FAQs. If you are an incoming freshman, contact your DoDMERB tech to see why you never got a remedial request. If you are already a member of a ROTC unit, work through your chain of command.