Waiver for ventricular septal defect?


5-Year Member
Aug 7, 2012
Does anyone know of a candidate for the USAFA or AFROTC who has been granted a waiver for a very small, uncorrected ventricular septal defect? Our son was diagnosed when he was very young, and the defect is so small it was not judged to be worth the risk of surgery to correct. He has never had any cardiac symptoms, has no exercise restrictions, and is very athletic. All cardiac functions are normal, no involvement of valves, no indications of cardiac insufficiency, etc. Thanks!
I'm no expert on VSD, but here is an older thread that may answer your questions. http://www.serviceacademyforums.com/showthread.php?t=1592 If you need to, you can contact DoDMERB directly to discuss remedials (as opposed to a waiver) for this condition. DoDMERB was very helpful at answering this parent's questions. Contact DoDMERB at helpdesk@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil . Include your candidate's last name and last 4 SSN digits. Best wishes. :thumb:
Thanks very much! Will give that a try, and hopefully let you know how it turns out. Our son's VSD did not close on it's own, as many do before the child reaches age 5 - 6. And it is so small they said it was not worth it to do the surgery.