Waiver situation


New Member
Nov 22, 2017
So I went to meps for the army for the first time and they told me to go to a dermatologist for my upper arms which were red. My dermatologist said it's keratosis pilaris and won't affect my military service but meps still wanted me to come back for a consult so, I went to there dermatologist who told me the same exact thing despite two dermatologist saying it's mild keratosis pilaris they disqualified me saying it's related to eczema but it isn't what so ever. So my question is, in your opinion will my waiver get approved? To be clear I don't have or ever have had eczema
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I am not a doctor and nobody on here can answer your question definitively.

Submit all of the paperwork they ask for/can help your case and hope for the best! If you're an ROTC candidate, the Army will automatically request a waiver on your behalf, but a Service Academy will only request one for you if they think you're competitive enough. Please understand that nobody on this forum can tell you how competative you are, as we are not Admissions. If it won't interfere with your service, you have a dermatologist's note for it, and you are competitive enough, you may get a waiver for it. This doesn't mean that you will, but it's the best you can do! I had to get a waiver for something, too. I know it can be stressful. If it's meant to be, it'll be.

Good luck and go Army!
So I went to meps for the army for the first time and they told me to go to a dermatologist for my upper arms which were red. My dermatologist said it's keratosis pilaris and won't affect my military service but meps still wanted me to come back for a consult so, I went to there dermatologist who told me the same exact thing despite two dermatologist saying it's mild keratosis pilaris they disqualified me saying it's related to eczema but it isn't what so ever. So my question is, in your opinion will my waiver get approved? To be clear I don't have or ever have had eczema

Are you trying to enlist, or are you trying to enter an officer accession program? I ask because you mention MEPS instead of a DoDMERB for your medical evaluation.

I'm enlisting and the army automatically sent the waiver up for me

I'm enlisting and the army automatically sent the waiver up for me

This forum deals with officer programs so people here might not be able to give you an idea of your chances in an enlistment. Good luck with the waiver.

Yes, I am sorry.

I don't know anything about MEPS, as I've never dealt with it before.