In a comparison of both groups the study found that soldiers who had received waivers for bad behavior:
• Had a higher desertion rate (4.26 percent vs. 3.59 percent).
• Had a higher misconduct rate (5.95 percent vs. 3.55 percent).
• Had a higher rate of appearances before courts-martial (1 percent vs. 0.71 percent).
• Had a higher dropout rate for alcohol rehabilitation failure (0.27 percent vs. 0.12 percent).
But they also:
• Were more likely to re-enlist (28.48 percent vs. 26.76 percent).
• Got promoted faster to sergeant (after 34.7 months vs. 39 months).
• Had a lower rate of dismissal for personality disorders (0.93 percent vs. 1.12 percent).
• Had a lower rate of dismissal for unsatisfactory performance (0.26 percent vs. 0.48 percent).
Those are the the end we are talking about
In that time, 276,231 recruits enlisted in the Army with no prior military service. Of those 6.5 percent, or nearly 18,000 had waivers.
Instead of giving waivers, maybe DOD should be honest about why they are not meeting their recruitment goal and why they need to give waivers when the AF is meeting theirs. What is the real reason they have a shortage, is it that the pay is too low, is it due to the war, is it due to benefits, or is it societal reasons (people saying they support troops, but ask what are you crazy you're going to get killed)
I am sorry, but the difference of 608 more
goodguys out of 276,231 getting dismissed for unsat is not worth having to bring 6,630 more up for court martials. Even if you add in the difference in re-enlistment rate (4751 more reup) you still have 1271
"bad" leaving, just in those 2 cats. Also if you use the number of 18K waivers, more than 1 in 3 are court martialed, which wastes a lot of our tax dollars. I am referring to training them and some court martialed will go onto make big rocks into little rocks, more tax dollars being spent at Leavenworth!
When the General says he stole a baseball, that is a teenage stunt and stupidity, which is totally different from assault.
Sorry, but I do not want my DS in a foxhole with someone that pummeled someone else for whatever reason you can give me, b/c let's be honest being in the foxhole with lack of sleep, using baby wipes to clean yourself is not a happy experience and would cause the sane person to get short with their temper, so lets not add that to someone who has already proven they have a short fuse!