Weight Lifting


10-Year Member
Apr 21, 2009
Hi all,

I have a quick question in regards to fitness. How many cadets lift weights in addition to the all the required exercise? This question is mainly directed at non-varsity athletes. I'm preparing for a upcoming PT test by just doing push-ups, sit-ups and running. However I have been able to add a little muscle to my frame by lifting all summer. So I dont want to scrap that completely. If I get get any opinions on this topic that would be great! Thanks!


When I was there for Summer Seminar, my element leader said he went to the gym basically every night to blow off steam. What "required exercise" are you talking about?
You could go lift whenever you wish. Keep in mind, you'll probably lose any bulk you developed after going through basic. ;) Many football players (my class year) went from football shape to track shape after BCT and had to rebuild.
My son who is not an IC lifts weights all the time and it shows! You just have to manage your time very well.
Besides summer programs like BCT, there is no "required workout" program. (Unless you go on athletic probation...which I don't recommend.) Four digs have training sessions, and some squads might have unit PT once a week.

Your fitness is pretty much on you.
We have a pull-up bar on the stairwell just outside the squad. About 5 of us will go out there and do dips on the hand rails, pull-ups, elevated push-ups, stair runs, and of course long jumps. That's if you don't have time to go to the gym, which is quite the walk (or in our case, run) from Sijan.
My son, a non-IC, lifts 6 days a week for about 1.5 hours. He says it is how he relieves stress. He was a very competitive high school football player and wrestler and believes in keeping in excellent shape. He has had very high PFT scores.