Hi again -
A letter should show up online giving you authorization to buy boots and low quarters.
It will include the military installations that stock them.
My advice:
Call before you go.
If you visit West Point you can get your boots and shoes there.
Only buy one pair of boots and one pair of low quarters - if they don't fit properly when you get to West Point they will issue you new ones.
Break in your low quarters - wear them ALOT. It is important to break in your feet for wearing leather shoes for hours on end. Don't just wear them, walk in them. Even if you look like a geek.
Break in your boots. Do NOT run in your books. Walk, hike in them. Make sure they fit well and are not too big. Blisters are bad, very bad.
You will wear black socks and your low quarters. Your boots and running shoes will be in your duffle bag. Make copies of all your health forms, your immunization records, direct deposit forms - anything you send to the academy. Put it in a folder and hand carry the folder. This can prevent you from getting re-immunized.
Start getting caught up on all your shots now. Some are series that you want to finish if possible. You might have to go to a travel immunization clinic for some shots so plan ahead.
Medications - if you are taking ANY prescriptions meds, bring them. If you get strep throat the week before and are on an antibiotic, bring it!
IMO - don't bother buying the pumps before hand - they will issue them later in beast.
If you haven't already - start the Gardasil now. This is a series of three shots.
If you are on birth control, bring it. If not and you want to control your periods or have lighter periods during beast see your Gyn now.
Consider: there is a 90 day pack that keeps you from having a period for three months. This can keep you period away during beast. Some females also are comfortable using the Nuvaring - so you don't have to take a pill every day.
If you want to consider going on or changing your birth control - do it now so your body has time to adjust.
Bring your favorite tampons. They will issue you some but, we all have our favorites

. You can also buy them at the C-Store in the summer but they might run out of your favorite brand.
If you get your period in the field - cleanliness is important. Keep your underwear clean - bring enough and make sure you wash your hands.
You will get hot and sweaty and yeast infections are common. If you are prone - be careful and take prompt action.
What NOT to bring - don't bother with a hair dryer or hair straightener or curling iron. You mom can bring these on A-day. Bring comb, brush, lots of hair ties and clips if you don't cut your hair short.
My daughter chopped her hair off - donated 12" actually - in a pixie cut two weeks before and didn't regret it at all.