What to do in the mean time?

Mar 14, 2020
Well, everything is closed and everything has slowed down. Any tips on how to prepare for USMA? I've been working out, but other then that is there anything else i can do in the mean time to raise my chances of getting an appointment and getting in?
Have you started on your personal statements?

Have you been preparing for SAT/ACT?

Are you scheduled to take the hardest classes your school has to offer in senior year?

Have you figured out your MOCs’ nom requirements and schedule?

Have you read every page, tab, pulldown and link on the USMA website?

Have you been practicing your interviews?

Have you tried the CFA beginning to end, in true test form, to identify your strengths and weaknesses?

Have you secured commitment from the teachers who’ll be contributing to your apps?

Are you working on Plan B, C, D...?

Plenty to do, and there won’t be as much time to do it as you may think
How should I practice my interviews? (could you tell me some questions they might ask)

Practice getting comfortable talking about yourself and your attributes in a way that isn't prideful but still puts your point across. You can even do that in front of a mirror. You can also ask people you know like a teacher to do a mock interview with you.

While you want to get comfortable thinking about general questions, don't shoot for memorizing anything word for word. You don't want to sound canned.

here are some general questions you might get asked.
what is your style of leadership, when was a time your leadership was put into play, why do you want to go here, what was an ethical dilemma you faced and how did you resolve it?

You can probably think up some more by yourself. Keep in mind the goal in practicing is not to anticipate what could be asked in an interview but to get comfortable talking about yourself.
My DS asked the school principal, a friends dad who is a CFO and someone knew a navy officer, they came to our home and threw questions at him. He dressed in his suit and used sir alot. He said it was helpful.
How should I practice my interviews? (could you tell me some questions they might ask)

here's two links with questions that you should be asked. Have whoever is interviewing you ask you questions for about 45 mins - hour. That about the time for interviews. Have them throw in some random questions to, so that you can work your composure game. My friend asked about my most embarrassing moment, my favorite celebrity and why, etc. Just to give some examples.

Good luck