No one qualification is absolute. It is relative to what it is being assessed against by category and peers. In my experience with my DS applying to all the SAs and similarly competitive top colleges, if you fall within these ranges, academically only, you should be well prepared in your first year at any colleges and for Admissions consideration at any schools from any districts in the US.
Weighted obscures true GPA and each Schools have different scale for the same A, 4.0-5.0 even 6.0. Also colleges look at only the core classes. No Art, no gym, no music, no wood shop, etc. Core classes are normally defined as:
Social Science
Schools don’t rank then will use ACT/SAT National Rank, and will refer to graduation rate of your school i.e. 99% to 4 year colleges and school ACT/SAT Average is 29+ or 1350+. If your school falls below this still don’t matter! It is only an additional advantage for those who come from schools like this when colleges review your child’s transcript and grades. They give more consideration to students attending academically difficult schools. But have greater expectation from student taking advanced classes like their peers.
6-12 APs with at least 1 or 2 APs in STEM
ACT 31-36 all sections 30+
ACT Writing 8-10
SAT 1450-1600 all sections 700+
SAT II’s all in 700+
If you fall in this range, academically you are competitive at any colleges let alone at any SAs.