posting a usna comparison for anyone thats curious, not saying one is better than the other but think its an interesting comparison
-stolen from usafa message earlier-
0600 - Mitch's breakfast
0615 - Mandatory line-up for morning formation
0630 - Morning formation, raising flag...etc.
0700 - Mandatory military training in squadron (briefings, PowerPoint videos, hands-on, etc)
0800-1153 - morning Academic classes
1200 - Noon meal formation (5 days a week vs. 3 days for the last several years)/lunch
1300 - 1500 - afternoon Academic classes
(My understanding is ICs have schedules that allow practice from about 1400-1800 everyday, and they are exempt from squadron pt, etc. that conflicts)
1530-1700 - most days there is squadron pt, training, intramural practice/games, sitting CQ, if not EI can be scheduled or start earlier on hw
1700-1950 - Mitch's open for dinner, on your own time
1800-2000 - club meetings 2 days a week, other days dedicated to hw or sitting CQ
2130-2230- shower, personal time, tries to be in bed by 2230 each night
0535 - plebe morning workouts (mando for plebes, optional for upper-class, can be anything from swimming to 1mile bear crawl. some battalions have made them mando for upper-class as well.)
0700 - mando morning formation and breakfast , some sports have excusals if they have morning wkts
0755-1145 - morning classes
1200 - noon meal formation 4 days a week, its usually pretty fast because the brigade is split into 3 separate formations that all enter king hall from a different direction.
1245 - 1320 - noon meal trainings, mando for plebes usually led by upperclass covering anything from military stuff, leadership, or important programs.
1330-1520 - afternoon classes
1530-1830 - sports period, varsity practices, club sports, or intramurals like running and dodgeball. (pickleball is very popular and competitive here)
1730-1930 - King hall dinner go when you want
1900-2000 - often club meetings or free time.
2000-2200 - "study period", basically free time, midshipmen led tutoring, writing center, library, classrooms all open.
2300 - i usually go to bed around here but some people will stay up to midnight or later depending on their study skills, procrastination, or major.
in terms of liberty, everyone can go off base during the weekend, + friday night for 3/c, and certain weekdays for 2/c and 1/c. every class also had a certain amount of "weekends" which allow you to take the saturday overnight. As a plebe you have like 2 or 3 weekends but you can earn more through football wins or other incentives. But as a firstie youll have tues, wednes, thurs, liberty and fri-sun weekends for the entire semester.