when can i expect appointment kit?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 18, 2007
i sent the acceptance form on wednesday.
Daughter got hers about 2-3 weeks after mailing back the acceptance form. Enjoy it when it comes!

Here are a few things to do (from the Appointee book) while you wait:

1. If your parents plan to go to Parent's weekend, tell them to get their hotel accommodations ASAP. Hotels are booking up and some hotels are really up-ing the room prices. Parents' Weekend is Labor day weekend.

2. Get an original copy of your birth certificate if you don't have one. (If you have a passport that will work).

3. Find your immunization record. You need to know the dates of every shot you've ever had and then you'll still need more!

4. If your have your wisdom teeth, you need an appointment to see how they're doing. If they look potentially impacted (look as if they will be sideways when they eventually erupt) then they need to come out. If x-ray shows they will actually come in perfectly straight (which is not too common these days) then they'll be okay. You just need your dentist to give you advice as to if he/she thinks they will be a problem later on. It's usally very easy to tell via X-ray. Bottom line, the Academy does not want to deal with them. They don't care if you have them they just need them to be healthy.

5. If you have any orthopaedic injuries from within the last year, you have to bring an X-ray.

6. Get a current copy of your eyeglass Rx if you wear glasses.

7. Get in shape

Not from the Appointee book :)

8. Buy your mom tissues :)

9. Be nice to your siblings. They are going to miss you no matter what they say.

10. Enjoy being home. It's only 80 some more days...
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okay, thanks for that info. is there more general info about the academy in this kit? i.e. like "the academy experience" booklet i received in my offer of appointment.
You will get another booklet entitled: "Instructions to Appointees".

Here's the Table of Contents:

General Info
Travel and Reimbursement Guideline
Required Documents
Finance Info
Academic Preparation--this talks about placement, validating, etc.
Physical Conditioning
Air Force Weight Standards
Chapel Programs
Federal Income Tax
VA benefits
and a checklist

The best part is on the cover it will tell you your PO Box number.
Your address will be:
Basic Cadet John Smith
USAF Academy, CO 80841
sweet! i look forward to receiving it!
Quick question: any '13s recieved their appointment kits yet?
I see flyboy hasnt been active since october, is he still at the academy? or just to busy for SAF :)
This is what I was referring to/wanting really bad:
You will get another booklet entitled: "Instructions to Appointees".

Here's the Table of Contents:

General Info
Travel and Reimbursement Guideline
Required Documents
Finance Info
Academic Preparation--this talks about placement, validating, etc.
Physical Conditioning
Air Force Weight Standards
Chapel Programs
Federal Income Tax
VA benefits
and a checklist

The best part is on the cover it will tell you your PO Box number.
Your address will be:
Basic Cadet John Smith
USAF Academy, CO 80841
This is what I was referring to/wanting really bad:

oh that is soooo sweet!!!! cant wait for that one! i cant believe we will already know our address!!!! i bet that takes sometime to setup....wow! so i prolly wont be getting that for another 3 weeks or so since i just sent in my acceptance?
On the offer of appoint. letter it said to expect more info in February if you accept the offer. That was on mine at least.
There is also a form to take to a tailor for measurements, a life insurance form... forms forms forms.

Getting the PO Box # is really keen though.

Is the PO box that we recieve the one that family and friends and MOM (she will be getting the most use out of it I'm sure) will be able to use to send us mail during BCT?
it's the one you'll have for the rest of your career at USAFA.
haven't gotten mine yet....february's more than halfway over...then again i didn't get that dvd until 2 months after everyone else. stupid illinois
haha when you get it let me know when BCT is just around the corner. I'll send yall letters of encouragement and stuff just like redhead did to me. It really did help!