When does DoDmerb paperwork arrive?


5-Year Member
Aug 23, 2012
DS accepted a 4yr AROTC scholarship offered at the January board. When should we expect to receive the DODmerb paperwork to begin the medical piece?
DS accepted a 4yr AROTC scholarship offered at the January board. When should we expect to receive the DODmerb paperwork to begin the medical piece?

I would imagine you will be receiving the medical paperwork this week, it usually comes out pretty quick after the scholarship awards.
I agree with Jcleppe. They traditionally start that fast after the award.

Realize it will be their docs (DoDMERB), not necessarily your family doc. If I recall correctly you have 45 days to make the appointments. He will need 2 exams. Physical and vision.

If you are military, you can contact them and ask to go to your base/post doc.

My only suggestion is for the future as a college kid. Contact his family doc and ask to have his medical records scanned, and downloaded onto a CD-ROM. This way when he goes to college he can take it with him. We did this for our kids. Most kids can't remember when they had their last shots, or if they are allergic to any medications.

Our DD, not ROTC, went to the ER 1 night at 2 a.m., luckily in her pain she remembered to take the CD ROM with her. The docs commented that they had never had seen this before, and were impressed because they could see her entire history. She didn't call and wake us up at 2, she called at 8 when she was back home, telling us of the diagnosis. She stated it was because of the CD ROM.

Our DS in AFROTC also used it 1x because when he was selected for UPT, he had to hand carry all of his medical records to the 3 Day physical in Ohio. Other cadets were bringing hard copy files. He was told he could just copy it and email it to them. His files since birth were there before he even showed up. They emailed back that the file was received. He took the CD ROM with him JIC, but it was never needed.
Thank you Pima! That's great advice. I have requested and received almost all medical records so we will be ready to complete paperwork and in case he is required to provide them for any possible DQ or remedial situation. My husband is a computer programmer and I will have him put everything on a CD to make life easier. Thanks for the great suggestion.:thumb: