Wireless at USMA?


15-Year Member
Oct 27, 2008
I have never posted in this forum before but I am curious about something. I currently have twin sons attending the U.S. Naval Academy with the Class of 2013.

Recently, I was surprised to discover that midshipmen do not have access to any wireless signal at the Naval Academy. The signal exists - it's just not available to midshipmen. The computers in their rooms are all connected via ethernet.

I am curious - is that also the case at the USMA? I'm also wondering about USAFA with regards to wireless access to the internet.


David Emerling '79 USNA
There is wireless at USMA, and it's available almost everywhere, from what I understand. When I attended SLS, my squad commander was able to take his laptop to the local cadet food/ice cream place and use it there. I remember someone (maybe the superintendent?) saying in a speech that they're going to make WiFi available throughout campus within the next few years.
Army appears to be light years ahead of Navy on this one.
Cadets learn early on how to access the network and keep their laptops secure. At least for some classes they are required to bring them to class.
Wireless is usually availabe in all West point classrooms (to the detriment of some instructors who have to combat cadets surfing facebook and other distractors in class). The new library is completely wire-less friendly, and currently they are working to install wireless routers in the cadet barracks as well.

However, most cadets stick to using ethernet cables in their barracks rooms