Year One At Kings Point In 8 Easy, Bearable Phases

KP2001 where are you ... Can we just make this a sticky?
Great thought KP Engineer if it were to be turned into a sticky I'd prefer to update it so some of the related information I've been fed about it in PM.s etc were incorporated to be shared with all...and I could/would do that quickly if KP2001 just says the word...
This is definitely a classic post. Showed it to my 2013 grad and will make sure my current plebe 2018 sees it, too.

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So great to see this again. I sent this to all our incoming 2018ers. Truly a classic....thanks for all you do and have done!
This post should be labeled "The Secret to the First Year"

Before my DS left for INDOC last July (2013), I copied this post and actually changed the dates to reflect the dates of the 2013-2014 academic calendar. I honestly believe that by breaking the year into obtainable segments is the ONLY way to survive this first year.
“Plebedom” is incredibly difficult and probably the most difficult thing that you (or your DD/DS) have ever been challenged to accomplish in your entire life. INDOC is physically difficult, when it is over, most Plebe Candidates think that the worst is behind them…it’s not. Life as a “Plebe” is challenging, academically, physically and emotionally.
We are southerners, and I will tell you, the “dark days of winter” were the MOST difficult. The only way through this is to count down days, hours, or minutes to the next segment of the year. Sometimes just counting down to the end of Friday was the solution. “Recognition” is always too far away and not a set time/date, so those days before it occurs seem to be the longest. Hang in there, the rewards are many.
My DS choose to go back early to help with INDOC this year. He’s A split. So now we are counting down days until the end of October, he’s excited, I’m terrified. The man he has grown into this last year is amazing, all things considered, it was all worth it.

Welcome all 2018 Plebe Candidates and their family. Enjoy the ride.
If southerners and anyone else for that matte,r can get very bright lights for their rooms and take Vitamin D tablets, which help with moods, it'd be great. Exercise, B-Complex, lots of water and finding you can take a nap in the library helps too.(at least you used to be able to nap in the library!)