⭐️ Countdown To Commissioning 2024 💫

4 weeks from today, our Big Navy and Marines will be making their BIG PAYCHECKS 💰!! Loving life (most) free on basket leave. With their own first apartments. Thinking they are all that. On their way to eventually be KO’ed down to the bottom rung again of their first JO report 😂

Circle of life ⭕️…..
Yay! But eeks mine hasn't heard anything yet as of this afternoon!? He's preparing for his capstone tomorrow, so won't ask until after that!
Mine finished capstone with his team this weekend and yesterday. From what I understand they got company email to show up in SEL office to get tickets. Early this am.
He did confirm with me he got the number we would need for general seating. One more step closer to this thing I just cannot fathom is happening.
Mine finished capstone with his team this weekend and yesterday. From what I understand they got company email to show up in SEL office to get tickets. Early this am.
He did confirm with me he got the number we would need for general seating. One more step closer to this thing I just cannot fathom is happening.
Just another rollercoaster to look forward to!
Just another rollercoaster to look forward to!
It is! The capstone was a big multi day deal. And it was a huge success. That has weighed heavily on him and their team and now they can celebrate. The video is awesome. Listening to them wish, hope, beg, and then scream success was so cool. After that 32 week project commissioning may seem like a cake walk.
4 weeks from today, our Big Navy and Marines will be making their BIG PAYCHECKS 💰!! Loving life (most) free on basket leave. With their own first apartments. Thinking they are all that. On their way to eventually be KO’ed down to the bottom rung again of their first JO report 😂

Circle of life ⭕️…..
BIG PAYCHECKS? That would be the other midshipmen at USMMA. The freshly minted 3rd officers graduating next month will be pulling in $20-$24K/month depending on which shipping lines they sail with.
Virtually all midshipmen at USNA graduate in 4 years, which is not the case for midshipman at USMMA. For those that graduate in 5 years or 6 years, which is not uncommon, the difference in income for those lost years is not insignificant. Also, it's to be presumed that a fairly large number of graduates from USMMA do not actually go into the merchant marine service off the bat, but rather choose a commissioning source into one of the military services.

When you compare income for other service Academy grads who resign their commission after the five-year service commitment, and then receive high paying jobs in the private sector the income difference is not all that significant when compared to merchant sailors.

Moreover, this thread is about upcoming commissioning for the class of 2024 at USNA, not USMMA. I appreciate your recruiting efforts for your Academy, but it's really not appropriate in this thread. The graduates from the Naval Academy will do just fine financially.
... so from Forbes: USNA Leads Peers in Graduation Rate and Earnings. (1st Post)

* SWAG 2026 and 2029 pay by adding -using
(2nd Post)
- Monthly Active Component Basic Pay
- Housing Allowance
- Subsistence Allowance
- Language Pay - 2/2 ratings


  • IMG_2024-05-01-18-59-12-920.jpg
    786.6 KB · Views: 35
... so from Forbes: USNA Leads Peers in Graduation Rate and Earnings. (1st Post)

* SWAG 2026 and 2029 pay by adding -using
(2nd Post)
- Monthly Active Component Basic Pay
- Housing Allowance
- Subsistence Allowance
- Language Pay - 2/2 ratings


  • IMG_2024-05-01-18-59-22-896.jpg
    1,010.9 KB · Views: 29
Virtually all midshipmen at USNA graduate in 4 years, which is not the case for midshipman at USMMA. For those that graduate in 5 years or 6 years, which is not uncommon, the difference in income for those lost years is not insignificant. Also, it's to be presumed that a fairly large number of graduates from USMMA do not actually go into the merchant marine service off the bat, but rather choose a commissioning source into one of the military services.

When you compare income for other service Academy grads who resign their commission after the five-year service commitment, and then receive high paying jobs in the private sector the income difference is not all that significant when compared to merchant sailors.

Moreover, this thread is about upcoming commissioning for the class of 2024 at USNA, not USMMA. I appreciate your recruiting efforts for your Academy, but it's really not appropriate in this thread. The graduates from the Naval Academy will do just fine financially.
Oh I know they will do fine financially. Its just the ribbing we like to give eachother as many KP and NA grads are colleagues and friends in the private sector. KP is a 4 yr college like all the other academies. One yr is spent at sea so the classroom curriculum for a bachelors degree is compressed into 3 yrs. We lose about 1/3 of our class in that 4yrs. My class in the late 80 's started out with 287 and ended with 187. Of that 187, 105 of us sailed in the MM, 34 of us worked ashore in the marine industry and 8 of us went to grad school or law school. 40 of us including myself went active duty. I was a SWO and spent 5 yrs in the fleet with 2 tours as an engineering DivO on a destroyer. But when my 5 was up I couldnt pass up the opportunity to go back in the Merchant Marine as the pay was too good for doing exactly what I was doing in the Navy minus the paperwork at 4X the pay. On the very day I left my ship I made a B line from the pier at 32nd St Naval Sta in San Diego to the Marine Engineers MEBA Union Hall in Long Beach and got a 90 day gig as 3rd Engineer on a Supertanker from Long Beach to Valdez AK to Barbers Pt Hawaii and back. In an instant I went from making $4300/month as a Navy LT to $18k/month as a 3rd Engineer in the Merchant Marine. The best part is I kept my USNR commission and drilled regularly and retired from the USNR and I retired from the marine engineers union MEBA after 25 yrs enabling me to double dip on two pensions.Its not unheard of for grads to become Sea Captain's and Chief Engineers before their 30th birthday. A MM Sea Captain and C/E make well over $250k/yr. Their military counterparts aren't even at that level until they reach flag rank. You're correct that they eventually attain the high paying job in the private sector or as a senior officer with scrambled eggs on his cap but the grad from KP has the opportunity to already be at that high rate of pay from the get go. Looking back I forfeited about $500k of salary the first 5 yrs out the gate by going active duty rather than sailing commercially on my marine license. I don't regret it at all and I would do the same if I got to turn back the clock as I had the privelage to serve my country and be part of history in the 1st Gulf War. Plus I get to brag to my deckie classmates that I conned a Spruance class Destroyer through the Straits of Malacca with a 3rd Engineers license never having a chance to even sniff the bridge as a Mid at KP.
BIG PAYCHECKS? That would be the other midshipmen at USMMA. The freshly minted 3rd officers graduating next month will be pulling in $20-$24K/month depending on which shipping lines they sail with.
Yes, big paycheck. Their first real job that they have been prepping over 4yrs for. Anything more than their stipend, is big. It’s so awesome to hear their excitement and share in the excitement of their next phase.

I’m really happy for you and your success, but this isn’t a competition between USMMA and any other branch. It’s a great path.

This is celebration by parents of USNA ‘24 grads. Hence the name of the thread.

My guy FaceTimed me from his RENTAL HOUSE. With his roommates. May 1 they got their keys, and took their first load over and had beers and hot dogs. They are over the moon, at their OWN PLACE. I cannot stop smiling for them 😬
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Yes, big paycheck. Their first real job that they have been prepping over 4yrs for. Anything more than their stipend, is big. It’s so awesome to hear their excitement and share in the excitement of their next phase.

I’m really happy for you and your success, but this isn’t a competition between USMMA and any other branch. It’s a great path.

This is celebration by parents of USNA ‘24 grads. Hence the name of the thread.

My guy FaceTimed me from his RENTAL HOUSE. With his roommates. May 1 they got their keys, and took their first load over and had beers and hot dogs. They are over the moon, at their OWN PLACE. I cannot stop smiling for them 😬
We got a similar video call from the new place complete with a tour of every nook and cranny. Already scoping out what spices he will need for cooking. Yesterday was one of celebration for sure. Capstone is done, he's moving things out of Mother B, he's looking forward to coming home Monday for intercessional leave.... So exciting!

Meanwhile I just got access to his 800 Firstie photos yesterday and have to narrow it down and make announcements last minute!

What a neat time!
I’m really happy for you and your success, but this isn’t a competition between USMMA and any other branch. It’s a great path.

This is celebration by parents of USNA ‘24 grads. Hence the name of the thread.

... I conned a Spruance class Destroyer through the Straits of Malacca with a 3rd Engineers license never having a chance to even sniff the bridge as a Mid at KP.
This is Ensign Door. I have the deck and conn. Left standard rudder. Steady of graduation course 024. Indicate max turns for arrival Annapolis.

@justdoit19, @Heatherg21, I’ll carry around a printed schedule of events so as to not miss anything. Some things I’ve ticked off: Want to hear church call by bugle call in the chapel. Want to see the USMC 8th and I Silent Drill platoon. Attend Supe’s Reception. See the Blues fly. Don’t want to get stuck in traffic when they do. For USNA '25 your time is coming. Tickets to the Supe’s Reception cost $500.00 and up. Oops, mixed that up with A-N game thread. Mids are allotted four free tickets to the reception – 1 for the mid and 3 for guests. Who will be the third guest? Graduation ticket allocation as explained to me, 6 for seating in the company area and unlimited general admission. See everyone soon!
This is Ensign Door. I have the deck and conn. Left standard rudder. Steady of graduation course 024. Indicate max turns for arrival Annapolis.

@justdoit19, @Heatherg21, I’ll carry around a printed schedule of events so as to not miss anything. Some things I’ve ticked off: Want to hear church call by bugle call in the chapel. Want to see the USMC 8th and I Silent Drill platoon. Attend Supe’s Reception. See the Blues fly. Don’t want to get stuck in traffic when they do. For USNA '25 your time is coming. Tickets to the Supe’s Reception cost $500.00 and up. Oops, mixed that up with A-N game thread. Mids are allotted four free tickets to the reception – 1 for the mid and 3 for guests. Who will be the third guest? Graduation ticket allocation as explained to me, 6 for seating in the company area and unlimited general admission. See everyone soon!
The 4 tickets to Supe’s reception - instant flashback to a mid with mom, dad, girlfriend with baby in arms - I stopped the mid before he could make full introductions all around, told him he was still a mid bound by MidRegs, and to not put me in a position where I would be duty-bound to take action.

I always enjoyed the Supe’s receptions as a BattO - working events for us. BattO, Company Officers and SELs were all assigned to “duty stations” to welcome, greet and move guests along toward the Supe or on to refreshments. People were having fun. There was always That Uncle who’d had a few pre-event drinks, or That Grandpa who tried to flirt, or That Mom who gave me the stone face because I had awarded restriction to her mid at Thanksgiving the year before (he was lucky he didn’t get hammered more).

Always great food! And live music.
The 4 tickets to Supe’s reception - instant flashback to a mid with mom, dad, girlfriend with baby in arms - I stopped the mid before he could make full introductions all around, told him he was still a mid bound by MidRegs, and to not put me in a position where I would be duty-bound to take action.

I always enjoyed the Supe’s receptions as a BattO - working events for us. BattO, Company Officers and SELs were all assigned to “duty stations” to welcome, greet and move guests along toward the Supe or on to refreshments. People were having fun. There was always That Uncle who’d had a few pre-event drinks, or That Grandpa who tried to flirt, or That Mom who gave me the stone face because I had awarded restriction to her mid at Thanksgiving the year before (he was lucky he didn’t get hammered more).

Always great food! And live music.
SUPES event is my fav. I had the most fun, there. Relaxed. Joyous. A great way to start off the week!!
Parachute demo team dropped in yesterday onto Warden before the kid's concert. Kid sent some pics. End of classes, beginning of the next phase!
Mids are allotted four free tickets to the reception – 1 for the mid and 3 for guests. Who will be the third guest?
I believe some trading occurs. DD scored an extra ticket, which allowed her to also invite her sponsor parents, who deserved the honor. It was nice to enjoy the Supe's reception with them alongside.

I always enjoyed the Supe’s receptions as a BattO - working events for us. BattO, Company Officers and SELs were all assigned to “duty stations” to welcome, greet and move guests along toward the Supe or on to refreshments.
It was so gratifying to engage with the AD personnel who mentor, nurture, guide and train our mids. We conversed with a couple of SELs (including the top SEL on the Yard), BattOs, the Dep Dant -- all of whom knew DD and had wonderful things to share with us beaming parents. Most satisfying was the extended conversation with the Dant and his wife. DD had worked with the Dant in a couple of billets, so he had nice things to say about her, but he and Mrs. Dant also spoke about their experiences over the years -- from his time as a mid to guiding their own sons through the coming-of-age process. What a delightful couple!

It's a blessed and unforgettable time for the CO24 families. Cheers to you all!