2028 Parents! Join your local Parents Club to attend their Welcome Aboard event!


Aug 30, 2021
Hi, just a reminder for all families with soon-to-be-Plebes and NAPSters to search (via Facebook or myUSNA.com) and join your local USNA Parents Club, which is a valuable resource of information, support and camaraderie through your 4 years at USNA and beyond. Watch for an invitation from your local Club if you haven't received one already, as most will have some form of Welcome Aboard event in June to provide valuable information and advice before you head off for I-Day or NAPS (often with some combination of refreshments, currents Mids to answer questions, other guest speakers and/or raffle prizes). Northern IL Parents, I've attached relevant info on this year's event (see USNAPCNI.org)!

'24 WA FB Post for USNA MID MOMS!!! (and DADS!).png
Our AZ USNA Parent Club is hosting Our Welcome Aboard luncheon and it will be on Saturday, June 15 at 11:30am at Seasons 52 in Scottsdale. Join our parent club to receive invites and links.
This is an awesome event. And we would love to welcome you and your family into the USNA AZ family.
This isn’t an easy journey, and we are here to help you navigate it and celebrate our Midshipmen.
The St. Louis and Southern Illinois club will be hosting our welcome aboard event in early June. Please DM me for more details or search for our group on Facebook and request to join!
Thank you @JRDinIL.

Most (all?) Parents club contact information can be found at: https://www.usna.com/find-a-chapter-club.

Note that the Parents clubs do NOT get incoming Plebe/Prep school contact information from the USNA. Some groups are able to gather information from local schools or MOC's or BGO's but most of the the time we rely on good old fashion word of mouth networking. Do not expect a Parents club to make first contact with you or your P2B.

One more reminder, while sanctioned by the USNA, these Parents clubs are locally run and managed by Parents. Activities, level of engagement, etc are dependent on willing parents to make the club function. Find your nearest club and see whats happening. Look on FB, IG, Google, etc. If you cannot find a group close enough or not active enough, get involved.

COVID (as with a lot of things) took the steam out of some clubs. For example, our local club was pretty well decimated during COVD. When we joined in 2021 prior to DS Plebe Summer (c/o 2025) the group was run by a couple of parents from c/o 2022 who were only going to be around for a few months so they could focus on their Firstie kids activities. A small group of c/o 2025 parents took over with a couple parents from c/o 2024 and have rejuvenated the club.

Bottom line, if you want this support network you have to reach out and be engaged.