Acceptance Deadline


Sep 1, 2016
Just wondering if anybody knew the deadline to accept or decline your offer to West Point.

Welcome to the forum @USMA_Hero_Mom_2024. OP has a legitimate question and the answer I provided is a legitimate one. If the colleges give the opportunity and right to candidates to accept and decline the offer by a certain date then who are we to question it.

Congratulations to your daughter c/o 2024. She every bit deserved her place at USMA
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You should quit right now if you are still on the fence.... You need to have a plan and commitment. My daughter is class of 2024 and has a son. It took her 4 applications and she would never dream of letting this great opportunity go. It is individuals like you who take the place of hard-working and patriotic youth in this country. Hope to see you at the McDonalds drive-thru!

You should NOT quit now if you’re undecided. SAs give you until May 1 to decide because you’ve earned the right to make the best decision for yourself. Whether that decision is between an SA and civilian schools, or between different SAs, there’s nothing wrong with being on the fence right now. It’s natural and it’s common.

Contrary to the toxic post above, those who are undecided do NOT lack commitment or patriotism or work ethic. And no, they are NOT taking a spot away from someone else. The SAs make offers to those they want and manage the yield accordingly, knowing that some will decline. And they’re OK with that!

I admire OP’s daughter for her perseverance and persistence in winning an offer of appointment after four tries. (I do hope she doesn’t have a son she’s supporting, as her mother states, though. That would be a violation of SA rules.)

I do not, on the other hand, admire OP. Her tone and message are insulting and wrongheaded. It’s offensive to both SA candidates and McDonald’s employees. But that’s what you get sometimes on an anonymous and open forum. Sigh.
Just wondering if anybody knew the deadline to accept or decline your offer to West Point.


The deadline will be made known to you in the communication you receive from WP. Hopefully you hear good news!

I do hope she doesn’t have a son she’s supporting, as her mother states, though. That would be a violation of SA rules.

Wow. USMAHeroMom2024 had a fascinating, albeit brief, overnight run on SAF!

I can only speak to how cadet parenthood is handled at West Point, not the other academies. Just to clarify, the key word here is 'supporting'. Any cadet finding themselves with offspring typically signs over parental rights of their newborn temporarily to someone else, or just doesn't place their name on the birth certificate. Then they can complete their academy education, having met the legal requirement of having no dependents. Males usually don't miss any time, females will miss a semester or two. I haven't heard of an incoming cadet already being a parent (if the post is, in fact, true) but there's a first time for everything. There are certainly always a few parents (and sometimes spouses) tossing their hat in Michie on graduation day! It's definitely a kinder, gentler West Point these days.
I think the deadline for acceptance is May 1st all over the country.
Thanks for the clarification. I knew about the May 1st deadline, but I thought it may have been different for SAs.

Thank you!