ACT Clarification (overall composite or Math / English.


Dec 11, 2020
I am looking for clarification on what is used for the overall ACT score. I have researched and have been reading some conflicting information. Does CGA use the overall composite score (all 4 subjects) of the ACT or only use the Math / English section scores then develop a composite score based on those 2 sections. I have read from previous forums the CGA drops the reading / science score. While searching online for class profiles I found the class profile for class 2021 and 2022. Under the average ACT scores listed on the class profile, the class profile only reported the average scores for reading and math. So does CGA use the composite score of all 4 subjects on the ACT, or english and math or reading and math.
I would think from an admissions perspective, they’re using everything! Composite score is composite score. Being a STEM school, I suppose it’s possible they would rather see more decent math and science scores. My daughter took the ACT three times I believe. Each time her super score composite increased. Her best math and science was sort of middle of the road at 28 I believe. The last time she nailed a 35 on reading and it brought her composite up to 31. My point is, when she emailed her AO and the coach the new scores right when EA reviews started, they were super stoked and flat out said that would help her application….all from to a strong composite due to reading.

I would also think that purely for the purpose of advertising stats, they’re probably just not going into all the detail and are keeping ACT in line with SAT for comparison sake…English and Math.

I wouldn’t get too hung up on it. It’s a single data point on your application if you choose to submit scores. All you can do is the best you can and let them worry about what to do with the scores.
All of the SAs weigh math/science 'heavier' than English/reading. However, as noted, any improvement in the four ACT components will be helpful. Each USCGA graduate, like the other SAs, is awarded a Bachelor of Science degree so the emphasis is on 'science' (i.e., STEM) skills.
Reason why I am asking this question, I located this information below which mentions the other service academies. I thought I read something pertaining to the CGA and how it mirrored the USNA policy and now cannot locate the information. But also did not know how accurate.

All academies look at section scores and put little regard into the actual composite. All academies highly stress math.

USNA policies: They only use ACT Math/English, and use both scores out of 800 for SAT. They super-score across tests also (ie. if you have 800 Math, 600 EBRW for SAT and 36 English, 20 Math for ACT, USNA would use 800 Math and 36 English).

USAFA policies: They use all sections of both tests. They DO NOT super-score across tests. They recommend the writing section.

USMA policies: They use all sections of both tests and REQUIRE the writing/essay portion.
Each of the SA's provide details on their websites and in their 'instructions for candidates' documents. I recommend using these kinds of official sources. The items you noted above contain some errors.
The USCGA uses your composite super score for your overall ACT score (your best score from each of the four sub tests regardless of the date you earned that score) but will look at subsection scores as needed.