Advice on when to submit application

May 19, 2023
So, DS has his # and access to the portal. Stats are strong except for his SAT, which he will be retaking in August. Should he wait until receiving a better score, or submit now and update when the scores come in? I know it's a rolling admission, so just looking to see what our best options are.
Always put forth the best application possible. There are no points for being first into the system. And no appointments are offered until all qualifications are met (academic, test scores, medical, CFA, nom, BGO interview, etc.).

For test scores? They superscore, so if he improves next round, they will use the higher score(s).
Submit the best application you can, as early as you can. Do not sacrifice quality for speed. Each year, there are posters here who lament mistakes made and details omitted because they were determined to submit as early as possible.

The SAs superscore tests, so you can submit better scores later and they’ll be considered.

It’s not “rolling” in the sense that decisions are made and notifications are sent in the order that applications are submitted. It just means applications are considered as they roll in. But decisions are made and notification are sent whenever admissions is ready to do so. FIFO does not apply.
So, DS has his # and access to the portal. Stats are strong except for his SAT, which he will be retaking in August. Should he wait until receiving a better score, or submit now and update when the scores come in? I know it's a rolling admission, so just looking to see what our best options are.
They let you submit scores after you submit your application.
It makes sense to complete enough of the application to qualify for DODMERB (medical) consideration as early as you can. Typically, that is when 60% or so of the USNA application is completed, and your student is considered to be competitive. Two key ingredients of this consideration are SAT/ACT results and transcripts so I would submit these when you can. If the SAT is low, as you noted, then you will want to submit the August scores. Additional scores should be updated for October, November and December, which are the 'next' dates for the SAT. I advise all of my students to continue to update the admissions counselors all the way through January 31 -- that means scores, awards, new positions, promotions and any other 'news' that impact his whole person score.
It does feel very early to submit. If the SAT score currently fits within the Class profile of 2024,

I would agree with submitting to get the DODMERB ball rolling. If the score falls below those stated percentages, I wouldn't submit until it is improved. I would also continue to update admissions with any other awards or accomplishments up to Jan. 31 as @Academician suggested.

I think a lot of applicants want to submit early in the hopes of chasing the ever-present often discussed Unicorn known as an LOA. Don't lean in that direction.

In terms of personal statements and essays, sleep on them. Make sure they have been proofread and have someone read them who will be honest, not just laud the author with praise.

If the CFA is just average, continue to train and improve and submit one that exceeds averages.
Ok, we went through this with DS'26.

I'm assuming that you are starting your application. Great, relax. Now mark your calendar at D-15 of the deadline. That's 15 days before the deadline. Print your application; use a pencil to fill blanks. Like the previous suggestions above, you can work on fitness, grades, SATs, sports, recommendations. Update it as required. Around D-17, your final product should be looking superb. D-16, type it in the live application. D-15 submit.