AFROTC "Any Approved Major" Question


Nov 25, 2015
DS received a 4-yr type 7 AFROTC scholarship today. He is very excited about the news as are we. The e-mail says "4-Year, Type 7, Any Approved Major, Air Force ROTC". Is this as simple as it sounds? Can he choose any major as long as it is accredited at a school that has AFROTC? Can the major change along the way? Any insight would be appreciated. I can't find a clear answer on the AFROTC site.
Did your son have a non technical major when he applied for HSSP? If so, then that's what it most likely means. The Air Force weights tech majors more highly so it is harder to get a scholarship with non tech majors.

For me I was was given the scholarship with a tech major so it would be very hard for me to keep my scholarship if I wanted to change my major to something that wasn't tech, but for you son, he could change to a tech major if he wants because the air force prefers tech over non tech. It's hard to move from tech to non tech but far easier to move from non tech to tech.

That's what I think. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone here will correct me
My guess is it would be for a Tier 3 major that is approved by AFROTC as indicated in their listing of majors, but Pima or Fencersmom will correct me if I'm wrong. Basket Weaving is probably not going to cut it (as an example only).
Typically in the past historically when it reads ANY major than you are also allowed to choose either tech or non-tech. Traditionally when it is awarded for tech it will say tech. At least that has been the way it has occurred in the past. It could have changed, so it is best to double check with at least his top choice det.

This happens a lot more on a major that can straddle both tech and non-tech, especially computer majors. Some computer majors will be considered tech and some maybe considered non-tech according to AFROTC

The approved major aspect is not every major is approved by AFROTC, thus it goes back to the pull down tab. IE your college offers underwater basket weaving, but when you pull down the tab, AFROTC does not allow you as a scholarship recipient to major in underwater basket weaving. Non-scholarship maybe eligible, but scholarship cadets are not.

Now let's assume that this is the case for your school regarding computers (tech and non-tech). If he accepts and says I am doing the computer major that is considered tech...beware, if he decides that he does not like the field at all and wants to switch to Govt and Politics (non-tech), he will than need their (AFROTC) approval because he is going tech to non-tech. It is not common to be approved. It is common if he decides that the computer (non-tech) and wants to go to the tech computer major to be approved.

Additionally, this is not only going to impact him now, but also for Summer Field Training (SFT). The avg cgpa for tech is @3.0/3.1 and 3.3/3.4 for non-tech
~ For selection, the board does not consider if the cadet is on scholarship. The slate is wiped clean once they start AFROTC. The scholarship is what we around here call a 2+2. Guaranteed for 2 years. If not selected for SFT, they can dis-enroll the cadet.

Now going back to the beginning. Contacting his top choice detachment for verification. The reason why is that the CoC there probably at this point has the slate of recipients awarded. Contacting them can get him on their radar now, especially if he did not interview with them. Most units have a FB page, and if it is private, he may allow him to join. This will also give him some more insight. He can also ask if there is a way he can skype with some other cadets that are in his major and whatever career field he desires. He (CoC) might also sit on the admissions board and that can be an edge if he has not heard back from the school. Finally, if he has been accepted and intends to matriculate, than he can ask specific questions regarding orientation next spring.
~ Will they meet up at any time during the orientation? When registering for classes, especially on days of PT and LLAB what times would they think are best for classes?
~~ IE...LLAB is at 2, would they suggest that taking a 1:00 class is wise, or should they take a class that ends at 12:30? Same with PT, especially if they are going to be a xtown cadet.

Hope that helps. COngrats.
Pima, Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your info and experience! It is very helpful!!