Altering review standards?


5-Year Member
Mar 21, 2011
Hey all. First year AFROTC cadet here.

I am looking to enroll in the Marines PLC this summer, and with deadlines fast approaching I was informed that I need to do my DodMERB before I can complete the application.

I have an appointment scheduled, but it will be reviewed by DodMERB according to AFROTC standards. The Marine recruiting captain stated that the review process is different for a prospective Marine, but I cannot find any information on the website that would allow me to change my application to reflect this.

Do I just let the examiner know that I want the results reviewed according to Marine standards? Is there a link on the site I haven't found that would allow me to make the necessary changes?

Many thanks for all your help!
Are you sure that your physical will even be reviewed by DoDMERB? I was under the impression that Marine OSOs sent prospective PLC and OCS candidates to MEPS for their physicals, which is a separate process. Of course, I guess it could be different since you are already enrolled in ROTC...
I called DoDMERB soon after posting this, and was told that all I have to do is complete the exams, and the individual programs will review the results based on their respective criteria. Hopefully that was what the officer was looking to hear. :smile:

Thanks for the assist! :thumb:
It will be reviewed in accordance with DoD standards, except for vision, which is Service specific:thumb: